
SLA 2011: Using Social Media in the Workplace

The SLA Division of Government Information was the lead division for the Tuesday, June 14, 2011 SLA “Need to Know” program: Using Social Media in the Workplace. The speaker was Scott Brown, Social Information Group. Here are a few takeaways from the program: Why do libraries/business say they don’t use social media? We don’t haveRead… Read more »

SLA 2011: Creating Groupies – Info-Pro Guerrilla Marketing

The SLA Division of Government Information was the lead division for the Tuesday, June 15, 2011 spotlight program: Creating Groupies: Info-Pro Guerrilla Marketing. The co-hosting division was the Pharmaceutical and Health Technology Division. The speaker was Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services. Here are a few takeaways from the program: We have to earn ourRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: I Spy…My Next Job

If you’re currently either out of work and looking, or if there’s a particular organization you want to work for, consider spying on their career site located within the organization’s website. Let me explain. You are on the organization’s website, and you click the link to their employment page. Locate the career opportunities they haveRead… Read more »

Are Your Salespeople Unforgettable?

The July issue of Consumer Reports includes the results of a nationwide survey listing the most annoying customer service problems. Among the top 5 problems are rude and pushy salespeople. Think about the last time you shopped for a new car. Or maybe a new appliance. What was your experience like? What is it thatRead… Read more »

It’s the network

The other night my sister-in-law was visiting. She and my husband are in the same trade – tertiary education – so naturally they spend a lot of time talking shop. The internal politics, the slipping standards, and the cheating. Oh, the cheating! Or plagiarism. Or sloppy referencing. Or as seems particularly popular these days, justRead… Read more »

ROI on US “Campaign to Cut Waste” from the UK Experience

This is my first attempt using storify to capture a discussion. Let me know if you’ve found better ways to use the tool-I found it pretty user friendly! This story summarizes some twitter conversations that relate to several US Executive Orders on Customer Service and website consolidation. There are a lot of orders being released,Read… Read more »

Really Vancouver youth? Really?

The whole time I was watching the riots after the game in Vancouver from my Regina hotel room, I couldn’t help but think of how easy it will be for Seth Myers on SNL to do his “Really?” skit after this sad scene. I hate to slam against youth, being a Gen Y’er myself, howeverRead… Read more »

CfA Summer Kick-off: DJ Patil, Ev Williams, and Jason Goldman Come to CfA

Last week, CfA kicked off its summer internship program with two notable visits: DJ Patil, Chief of Product at Color, and Ev Williams and Jason Goldman formerly of Twitter. Both talks offered unique insights about technology, entrepreneurship, and social change. Patil shared his broad range of experiences in academia, government, and tech — highlighting keyRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Spending Money To Train Citizens How To Use Your Site

Could this be the future? Brian Heaton of Government Technology wrote Wednesday that at least one local government will soon be offering online training to educate citizens on how to use their new and improved website. The Community Digital Forum, to be held Wednesday, June 29, will feature hands-on instruction on how to navigate theRead… Read more »