
Who not to follow on Twitter! – A guide for public sector employees.

Who not to follow on Twitter For public sector employees venturing out onto Twitter, finding out who’s who can be confusing and frustrating. While there are untold numbers of individuals and organizations sharing valuable information and contributing to a healthy flow of information, there are also oodles of people just trying to make a buckRead… Read more »

Customer Service Guidance Issued by OMB

OMB released customer service guidance to agencies earlier this week but it was lost in the hoopla over the announcement of Obama’s new Campaign to Cut Waste, starting with cuts in the number of federal websites. Six weeks ago, President Obama signed an executive order, “Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service,” directing agencies toRead… Read more »

CU at the FEC? (And more political law links for today)

RECORD FOR FOREIGN TRIPS. Roll Call. “The costs of overseas trips taken by Senators and their staffers jumped by about 20 percent last year, reaching an all-time high of more than $5 million in publicly reported costs, which is still likely less than half the actual total.” “CASTLES AT THE CAPITOL.” Press release here. “CastlesRead… Read more »

Social Media: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse + Workplace Zombie Alert

What a creative approach to public health. It has it all. Engaging, creative, edgy and powerful. But what about the Zombie Workplace? Get your survival guide here. The idea is the same. Get a kit, Make a Plan, Be prepared. The best advice we can give is stay connected. Tweet away and post any intelligenceRead… Read more »

SFOpen 2011: Ask the Candidates about Public Participation

On Thursday, I will attend SFOpen 2011, a forum discussion on Open Government with nine of the candidates currently running for the office of Mayor of San Francisco. The event is sponsored by, GovFresh, WordPress, and various others. From the event site: SFOpen 2011 brings together the 2011 San Francisco Mayoral candidates for aRead… Read more »

BC Social Media Engagement Learning Centre

I was recently given permission to share a “work in progress” extranet site from the Government of British Columbia. Please note that it is currently a mirror and has not yet been officially launched. So what is it exactly? A collection of guidelines and best-practices surrounding the use of social media for citizen engagement. HowRead… Read more »

The writing is on the wall

The writing is on the wall and it’s on the Facebook wall if Sky News are to be believed as they analyse a second successive slump of Facebook usage. People are not just wandering off to some other network either – 100,000 Britons actively deleted their accounts in their entirety last year. It seems, asRead… Read more »

28 June PublicForum (free) on Know Thy Communications Style

“Know Thy Communication Style” Using Smart Conversations® to speak your truth and enhance all of your relationships A PublicForum Webinar Tuesday, 28 June 2011, 12:00 Eastern (New York) / 16:00 GMT (60 minute webinar with optional 30 minute Q&A) Free for Circle Club members $20 USD for nonmembers Registrants receive access to the session recordingRead… Read more »