
CfA Summer Kick-off: DJ Patil, Ev Williams, and Jason Goldman Come to CfA

Last week, CfA kicked off its summer internship program with two notable visits: DJ Patil, Chief of Product at Color, and Ev Williams and Jason Goldman formerly of Twitter. Both talks offered unique insights about technology, entrepreneurship, and social change. Patil shared his broad range of experiences in academia, government, and tech — highlighting keyRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Spending Money To Train Citizens How To Use Your Site

Could this be the future? Brian Heaton of Government Technology wrote Wednesday that at least one local government will soon be offering online training to educate citizens on how to use their new and improved website. The Community Digital Forum, to be held Wednesday, June 29, will feature hands-on instruction on how to navigate theRead… Read more »

Using the Hourglass to Respond to Questions in a Crisis

Here at EPA, we were quite busy this spring providing information about radiation levels resulting from the earthquake and tsunami that damaged Japanese nuclear reactors. Check out the site! Now we’re thinking about lessons learned, and one thing I came up with was a concept of a question/answer “hourglass,” where we take in questions fromRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 17. 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Vivek Kundra to Leave White House in August. OMB Director Jack Lew has a nice good-bye post on the WH Blog for Vivek Kundra, who announced that he is leaving the administration in August for a fellowship at Harvard. Need to Find an Embassy? Look up a Travel Alert? There’s an App forRead… Read more »

Social Media and Rioters

My friend Alexandra Samuel penned a piece titled “After a Loss in Vancouver, Troubling Signals of Citizen Surveillance” over at the Harvard Business Review. The piece highlights her concern with the number of people willing to engage in citizen surveillance. As she states: It’s one thing to take pictures as part of the process ofRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter 06/16/2011

Research ‘Big Data’ (05/2011) A new report by McKinsey Global Institute, Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition and productivity, looks at the explosive growth of digital information and its potential uses. The report identified five ways big data adds value, including creating transparency, improving performance, and innovating new services. Seven Management Imperatives (06/04/2011)Read… Read more »

The Perception of Success is Largely a Matter of Lowering Expectations – John Kinser

“Dad, just so you know… I think I probably failed the test, may drop the class, ruin my GPA, loose the scholarship for the summer, and it’s the end of the world as we know it!” Most every family has one, an over-achiever that makes the rest of us look like slackers. In my familyRead… Read more »

Report: Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication

Last Friday, a new policy paper by Peter Levine was released entitled: “Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication“. “His paper is the sixth in a series focused on implementing the Knight Commission’s 15 recommendations for creating healthy informed communities across the country released in 2009 in a landmark report, InformingRead… Read more »