
CityCamp Raleigh – Government Panel

I’m here at CityCamp Raleigh, live blogging today and tomorrow. Below are some notes from the first panel on “Government and Technology Industry Experts.” MODERATOR Kevin Curry, CityCamp Co-Founder PANELISTS Jerry Fralick, CIO for the State of North Carolina Adriel Hampton, Gov 2.0 Radio Gail Roper – City of Raleigh, Chief Information and Community RelationsRead… Read more »

Interns Incoming

This is an excerpt from my regular morning post on BeltWiki Blog from Read the full post here. Intern Incoming Summer in Washington brings thousands of interns who make the District home for a few months. With them comes the requisite how-to-live-here (without annoying the living heck out of the natives) posts and articles.Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up June 03, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Data, data everywhere! Fast Company reports on the EPA’s revamped fuel economy stickers. Across the pond, Making a Difference with Data reports that cycling enthusiast Gregory Williams has been using the open data from Kent County Council to create a cycling parking heat map. Collecting Data Securely at Social Security. Alex Howard reportsRead… Read more »

The Annual Report

[Warning: This is a rather personal and pretty self-indulgent post I’m afraid; check back another day for pearls of digital wisdom] I blame Paul Graham. A few years ago, his essays started a lingering train of thought that I didn’t necessarily need a job, I needed an income. Just over a year ago, I putRead… Read more »

The Annual Report

[Warning: This is a rather personal and pretty self-indulgent post I’m afraid; check back another day for pearls of digital wisdom] I blame Paul Graham. A few years ago, his essays started a lingering train of thought that I didn’t necessarily need a job, I needed an income. Just over a year ago, I putRead… Read more »

The Long Tail is in the Zeitgeist

I’m a fan of the long tail. You may recall that I’ve already mapped both internal communications and the public sector adage of “fearless advice and loyal implementation” along the long tail distribution; and while those maps have value, they are just a subset of examples of a much larger phenomenon. We are fast becomingRead… Read more »

The Federal Government Can Learn a Few Things from a New State Government Website

Have you checked out the new yet? According to the press release, the site gets 1.2 million unique visitors a month and last year “processed more than 25.1 million secure electronic transactions through the official state website, mobile-optimized services, automated phone system, and point-of-purchase systems at retail outlets statewide.” Here’s a quick 2 minuteRead… Read more »

Designing Digitally, Inc. Partners with the United States Air Force Academy to Develop a Browser Based 3D Virtual Campus Tour

Virtual world developer Designing Digitally, Inc. used the Unity development platform to design a browser based interactive 3D virtual campus tour for prospective cadets to tour the United States Air Force Academy. Franklin, OH April 04, 2011 – Designing Digitally, Inc., a full-service interactive design company and developer of “3D Virtual Campus Tours,” recently completedRead… Read more »