
Health Engmt Stories Sought for Casebook

The Partnership and Citizen Engagement Branch of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has sent out a call for citizen engagement “cases” or “stories” that they would like to publish in their new CIHR Citizen Engagement in Health Casebook (April 2012). More information about the project can be found at Original post

These are not the requirements you are looking for…

How do you “engage stakeholders” and “gather requirements” in 2011? Outside the workplace, people and technology have co-evolved. We Facebook,” we text, we tweet, some of us “check in,” all while listening to music that is streaming to us on customized or micro-segmented “radio” channels. We connect with friends long moved away, we coordinate overRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up June 06, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda More than a Twitter Account: Just what qualifies a person to lead a social media proegram or team for the government? Jeff Levy has been asking GovLoopers about the skills and experiences that make a good candidate. (Of course, this class might not hurt!) Wikipeida Experience Seems to Help. The National Archives hasRead… Read more »

Social Media Trending Up Among Nonprofits

Our intern Patrick just wrote his first blog post for us! Check it out! Nonprofit organizations looking for a cost-effective way to engage their supporters often turn to social media. According to the 2011 Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report, of the 11,000+ Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) surveyed, 92% utilize social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube andRead… Read more »

Research and Best practices eNewsletter

Research Minorities Fuel Twitter Growth (01/01/2011) – Thirteen percent of U.S. adults online use Twitter, according to a study from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. Minorities are likely to play an increasingly important role in the service’s expansion, as 25% of online African Americans tweet, compared with 9% of non-Hispanic whiteRead… Read more »

Weiner needs to resign

Weiner’s decision to drag his problem out is now causing a problem for President Obama and the Democratic party. From a high after a win in a Republican held Congressional level to low ratings in yesterday’s poll, the Democrats don’t need another PROBLEM. He needs to resign and stay off twitter

Go Green, Recycle, and Educate

What do you do with your old cell phones? I know I have three sitting at my house. According to Qwest, Americans own about 500 million obsolete, broken or unused cell phones. “Recycling cell phones helps the environment by reducing the amount of resources extracted from the earth, keeping usable materials out of landfills, andRead… Read more »

Thinking about publishing a print or eBook — some points to consider

Majority of my experience in the publishing industry since 1990 has been in the commercial publishing arena — large publishers as Simon & Schuster-Prentice Hall, to mid-size Government/Political Science college text and reference publisher —CQ Press to the small, specialized publisher with a growing illustrated children’s books imprint — American Psychological Association and since 2005Read… Read more »

Meet the Goals – No Less (and No More) – John Kinser

“Folks, I have some good news and I have some bad news” the pilot announced. “We have landed in Atlanta way early, but there is a plane at our gate and it will be about 20 minutes before they move.” Throughout the plane you could hear the moans and comments about the airline’s inability toRead… Read more »