
VTA launches 4G wireless network

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (CA) is launching an all-4G wireless communications network for its light-rail trains and buses. “We are continually looking for ways to enhance our customers’ travel experience,” said chief information officer Gary Miskell. “For years, free WiFi has been the most requested amenity to make public transit a more appealingRead… Read more »

Weiner, Keep Tweeting; The Amazing (Hill) Race; and Survey Your Followers!

Note: My weekly posts have been moved from Fridays to Mondays. So… there was not much news of a social media and politics nature over the past week or even the past 24 hours… Oh yes, there was the congressman who tried to covertly tweet a sexually explicit picture and failed… Keep Tweeting, Rep. WeinerRead… Read more »

Project of the Week:

I learned a few week ago that the Small Business Administration (SBA) had launched a new community for small business owners, so I asked them a few questions about it. Below are their responses. 1 – Tell me about the new SBA Community project. What is the concept behind it? What does it entail? TheRead… Read more »

Civility in service

It really is quite simple. If you wouldn’t have said it before there were social media, don’t say it now just because there are. If you work for an organisation, don’t be rude about its leaders, products or policies in public. Don’t imagine that online anonymity is an invisibility cloak. If you work in theRead… Read more »

Social is a pain in the a**e

My previous post about closing the social media gap raised some interesting discussion on twitter around how we start to approach the issue of narrowing the gap between those who are active in social media and those that are not, for various reasons – getting access to such websites is still a major block, butRead… Read more »

Kind of Digital webchats

We’re going to start running occasional live webchats on the subject of online innovation on the Kind of Digital website. They’ll be simple affairs using the CoverItLive system and a bit of Twitter, and all the action will take place on our webchat page. Obviously, it’s all free. The first webchat will be next Tuesday,Read… Read more »

New Face of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans: MyPlate

Guest post from Silje Lier, MPH of Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS). More info on Silje after the post – The Department of Agriculture was the source of many tweets and mobile videos last Thursday as we waited in anticipation for First Lady Michelle Obama, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and Surgeon General ReginaRead… Read more »

Closing the Social Media Gap

In a previous post about social media and councillors, @Annemcx picked up on the issue I highlighted which was about the increasing gap that is emerging between those people who are actively using social media platforms and those who have yet to dip their toe in the water so to speak. Anne’s comment states: TheRead… Read more »

[New Data] How can governments better engage the Hispanic population?

Back in April, I asked the question: “How Can Social Media Help Governments Serve the Booming Hispanic Population?” I gave a few ideas then (see the bottom of that post). Well just last Thursday (May 26th), the U.S. Census Bureau “released a 2010 Census brief on the nation’s Hispanic population”. It’s got some newly compiledRead… Read more »

Just because you can say something…

…doesn’t mean that you should. Of course. A bit of a Twitter flurry this morning about a case of a civil servant apparently being disciplined because of their use of the service. The account in question, nakedCservant, is protected, so the updates aren’t public, and as I have never requested access, I can’t see whatRead… Read more »