
A vision for engagement and participation online

Neil has blogged some thoughts and slides on digital engagement that he worked on with Simon Dickson and me, on the fringes of the Alphagov project. (Literally the fringes, we were sat round a forlorn a set of pedestal drawers, brainstorming in the corner of a room at Alphagov towers): #bbpBox_73116962812735488 a { text-decoration:none; color:#2FC2EFRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Should Government Regulate Employees’ Personal Social Media Use?

Government employees know that they have to be careful about what they say when blogging, Tweeting, or posting on Facebook in an official capacity. But what about on your own time? According to Government Technology, officials in Kent County, Delaware recently tried to bar employees from posting negative comments about their job on social mediaRead… Read more »

Dial Groups are So 2008, the #MESpeech Presser and One Very Errant Tweet

This post originally appeared on WhoRunsGov Beltwiki blog. Will Twitter Replace the Focus Group? The White House made quite a bit of social-media news this week. First was the Time article that described how White House senior adviser David Plouffe used Twitter to gauge public reaction in real time when the president announced that NavyRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Real Life Recruiting in a Virtual World

Today’s guest blogger is Frank Stipe; Frank manages the IRS Recruitment Office’s virtual recruitment program. We invite you to reach out to Frank in Second Life, where he’s known as RobinRasperry Sorbet. In today’s world, word-of-mouth is still the most powerful and trusted communications channel. In Second Life, IRS takes word-of-mouth marketing to the nextRead… Read more »

A Review: The SBE Council’s 2011 Business Tax Index

Three Takeaways 1. Although Washington, DC ranks last in the SBE Council’s index, the rankings do not correlate with entrepreneurial and small business growth. Compare Washington, DC (# 51) with California (#45) and South Dakota (#1). 2. According to the rankings, Virginia (#14) is far more favorable to entrepreneurs and small businesses than Maryland (31)Read… Read more »

SSL : Implementation Gone Wrong

Image via Wikipedia During the recent security conference Hack In The Box, security researchers from Qualys Labs showcased the fruits of their efforts to scan the Internet’s websites for proper implementation of security features like SSL and its successor TLS. What they found could only be described as dismal. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer,Read… Read more »

Innovative ways of training

I’ve been thinking about using some new ways of providing training on digital engagement stuff to those working in public services – in tandem with the traditional approach that we are taking in our workshop tomorrow. Webinars are something I’m looking into, and I’ve written about my experiences of running them previously. What I amRead… Read more »

Five to Follow on Twitter

Need some suggestions about who to follow on Twitter? Here is a list of five you might consider: library_connectTwitter Bio: Partnering with Info Pros. INFOdocketTwitter Bio: Shirl Kennedy and Gary Price are now blogging at: & USMCLibrary Twitter Bio: Official Twitter account of the USMC Research Library, Quantico, VA. The appearance ofRead… Read more »

Elude: Gaming as the “Opposite of Play”

Last week at the Games for Health 2011 conference, Dr. Doris Rusch (MIT-Singapore GAMBIT Game Lab) presented her groundbreaking game, Elude. Elude is not like most games – its intention is not to “play” but just the opposite. A beautifully designed metaphor, Elude is a tool for people supporting others with depression. For people whoRead… Read more »