
Open Government Links of the Week – May 20, 2011

This week’s version isn’t the shortest ever, that’s for sure. Feel free to add more links in the comments section! “New York Releases ‘Road Map for the Digital City’” (HT Alex Howard’s Tweet on Twitter) Also see: “With a new road map, New York City aims to be the nation’s premier digital city” Report: “UsingRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up May 20, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week, my mind turns to physics and questions of energy and matter. We Meter what Matters. When I talk about social media for government, I always try to address the question of metrics. Writing on FCW, Alan Joch takes the question head on in his article, “Metrics take the guesswork out ofRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Vanishing Pensions, Sting Operations, and the Wisdom of Crowds

It’s time to “take 5” for the… Friday Fab 5! We had a busy week here on the site. Lots of great content and even more great comments! I wish we could recognize them all, but alas, we only have the time to highlight a few. So without further ado… Today’s Blog of the WeekRead… Read more »

3 Ways Government Could Save Time & Money if They Used Social Media

You hear it all the time: Facebook this, Twitter that, social media… blah, blah, blah. But why should government care? Especially when many are in a pinch for resources and the costs for municipal goods aren’t helping them out so much. Well for starters, two words: Time & money. Now saving time and money areRead… Read more »

Like Monetizing the Margins: On Creating Public Value around the Public Service

Last week I sat down with Alex, an Epidemiologist (and fellow public servant), and we worked through a redesign of the information systems he and his team use to track infectious diseases that may be threatening Canada. Although to be honest, that was never the intention. We originally met to discuss how (if) tablet computersRead… Read more »

Track Mega-Trends in National Security with new KippsDeSanto Corporate Web Site

KippsDeSanto is an investment banking firm with an outstanding reputation in the national security and advanced technology sectors. The leadership of the firm have demonstrated a proven commitment to community building and in doing so have built a very virtuous system that delivers value to a wide range of stakeholders. Every person I’ve ever metRead… Read more »

Thank you, LocalGovCamp sponsors!

Since my last desperate begging funding drive, several companies and organisations have leapt to support LocalGovCamp, namely: Public-i Firmstep Talk About Local Global Crossing Arcus Global Many thanks to them. They join those who had already stuck their hands in their pockets: LGIU Podnosh The MoreOpen fund (where the cash comes indirectly from all theRead… Read more »

Top 10 Tobacco Control Achievements 2001-2010

CDC online article identifies top 10 public health achievements of the first decade of the 21st century. Tobacco control makes the list, due to a federal cigarette tax increase; more smoke-free laws; and FDA regulations that ban flavored cigarettes, restrict youth access to tobacco products, and require larger, more graphic warning labels on cigarette packages.Read… Read more »