
Project of the Week: Enid, Oklahoma’s Interactive Web Presence

A couple weeks ago, I had the chance to participate in Gov 2.0a / CityCampOKC in Oklahoma City. While there, I met Derrick Silas of Enid, OK. I had heard from folks like Sid Burgess that Derrick was doing some innovative things in Enid, but I hadn’t spent any time on their website…until right afterRead… Read more »

NYC digital road map

via “NYC Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Chief Digital Officer Rachel Sterne today unveiled Road Map for the Digital City – a comprehensive strategy to make New York the nation’s leading digital City.” 16 May. This amazing effort and beautifully structured and designed report sets out examples of what has been done and whereRead… Read more »

Social Media in Government 101 Course Description, with Bibliography – Your Thoughts?

A few months ago, I was approached by a university and asked if I could teach a Social Media class. Though I have not committed to teaching the class (those of you who grade papers will know why), I have put together a rough outline of what I’d like to cover, how I’d structure theRead… Read more »

New York release road map to becoming a digital city

Yesterday, New York City released its “Road Map for the Digital City: Achieving New York City’s Digital Future.” For those who missed the announcement, especially those concerned about the digital economy, the future of government and citizen services, the document is definitely worth downloading and scanning. At the heart of the document sits a roadRead… Read more »

NYC Digital – Cloud Roadmap for the Digital City

The Canadian Federal Government has defined a road map for their adoption of Cloud Computing, and the type of capabilities this can enable is powerfully articulated through New York’s Roadmap for the Digital City (65-page PDF). This really does offer the poster child reference model for Digital Economy innovation leadership. Their program blends together foundationsRead… Read more »

SLA 2011: Don’t Miss the DGI Programming Coming Your Way in Philadelphia this June

SLA’s Division of Government Information is sponsoring (or co-sponsoring) the following programs and events at SLA’s 2011 Annual Conference in Philadelphia this summer. This is an exciting slate of programs that includes four SPOTLIGHT programs and a NEED TO KNOW program, as well as an unconference session. For more detailed DGI program and event information,Read… Read more »