
All Your Questions Answered from “Find the Right GovGig For You” Training

My recent webinar, Find the Right GovGig for You, was a smash hit with over 400 participants. I got over 40 unique questions, and am responding to them all here in this gigantic blog post. There are a few that I’m not best qualified to answer, so I’d love anyone who works in federal HRRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Silent Assassins, Esoteric Boxes, and How to Put the ‘Go’ in eGov

It’s that time of the week again. It’s the… Friday Fab 5! Happy Friday the 13th. Yes, it is that special day which we all secretly dread yet again, but I wouldn’t worry too much. Last I heard, reading the Friday Fab 5 is supposed to give a person extra luck on days like this.Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 13, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Who writes at Who Runs Gov? Josh Shpayher, who runs GovSM, now writes for BeltWiki, the blog of Who Runs Gov. His articles appear on Fridays (too late for WRU), but his post from last week is so good, it crossed the Weekend Barrier: “Measuring Social Media influence on Capitol Hill.” Looking forwardRead… Read more »

Interested in Cyber Security? Read (and support) the new Cybersecurity Legislative Proposal

On 12 May 2011 the Obama Administration unveiled its cybersecurity legislative proposal. The entire proposal is available for your review at this link: cybersecurity legislative proposal. But I most strongly recommend you read the context provided by the government’s Cybersecurity Coordinator and Special Assistant to the President Howard Schmidt first. Howard provided a clear introductionRead… Read more »

Under the Microscope: Dissecting the Georgia Anti-Obesity Campaign

This is a post that my friend/colleague Fran Melmed of [context communication] wrote recently, dissecting Georgia’s media campaign around childhood obesity. I really enjoyed how it was broken down and wanted to share with you all – with permission from Fran, of course (who by the way, enjoys lowercase writing). the georgia children’s health allianceRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Private industry tips for public agencies – Part II

This is the second part of a series inspired by Susan Ward’s article on featuring “Ten tips for attracting employees.” I am responding to Susan’s tips for business owners with my take about how government agencies can use them to promote their jobs. 6. Offer employees some way to move upwards. It’s not thatRead… Read more »

Digital engagement workshop in Peterborough on 25th May

Just a quick reminder about this event folks – there’s a few places still available. All the details are here: It will be a great day, I promise. Possibly related posts: Digital engagement workshop, Peterborough, 25th May Some Kind of Digital posts Here comes Noot – the public sector social business tool Micro-participation projectRead… Read more »

A Few Social Media Stats About EPA’s Efforts

Today, the following request came from a colleague at another federal agency via the Web Content Managers Forum, the gov’t-only group of 2500+ folks: I need ammunition/stats from other federal agencies regarding the value of social media, specifically in terms of an agency’s obligation to be transparent and to reach and serve ppl where theyRead… Read more »