
Customer Satisfaction… In Government?

On April 27th President Obama issued an Executive Order that shook the public sector… You can read this ground breaking direction here, but the gist is that we need to improve customer service in government. Not feeling shaken? Not stirred? I’m not shocked. Since 1993, all three Presidents from both parties have added their personalRead… Read more »

Service Initiative Has GPRA Element

Customer service is about to become an annual performance goal for each federal department. First, there was last week’s presidential order on customer service. Then the Office of Management and Budget began pushing along compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010, which calls for agencies to measure customer service.Read… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Millennials: The Challenger Generation (04/13/2011) – Results from the latest global study conducted by Euro RSCG Worldwide finds Millennials, those between 18 and 29, are all about community, collaboration, and interconnectedness. They believe social media is the “new power of youth” and will play a big role in changing the world for the better.Read… Read more »

Peering down the Corridor: The New Social Network’s Features and Their Uses

Previously, I’ve written about State’s new social media portal, Corridor, and some of the ways its administrators can measure its success. Today, I want to explore the features of the site, some potential features IRM’s eDiplomacy office may want to add in the future, and how each of those features can be used by StateRead… Read more »

New Research on Sites that Publish Legal Information for Free on the Web

Isabelle Moncion of the Chair in Legal Information of the University of Montreal, and Lexum, has posted Building Sustainable LIIs – or Free Access to Law as Seen Through the Eyes of a Newbie, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In this post, Ms. Moncion describesRead… Read more »