
A Sampling of Principles for Public Engagement

Here are some sets of principles we collected to help inform the creation of the Core Principles for Public Engagement (2009)… Effective Deliberative Public Engagement: Nine Principles (from the National Consumer Council & Nine Principles: The process makes a difference. The process is transparent. The process has integrity. The process is tailored to theRead… Read more »

Measuring social media influence on Capitol Hill

Here’s a snippet from my new post at WhoRunsGov at the Washington Post. Click on the link below to read the entire thing. In the not-so-distant past, a big concern for a PR firm or pollster was “is their client’s message getting across?” In the social media world, the new question is “Are they influential?”Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 06, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week, a lot of Social Media in Government stories came to my attention. The first two are older, but they set the stage: Take the Fear out of Using Social Media for Government, in which Sue Reynolds talks about the value of engaging people through social media, and reminds government leaders toRead… Read more »

Customer Satisfaction… In Government?

On April 27th President Obama issued an Executive Order that shook the public sector… You can read this ground breaking direction here, but the gist is that we need to improve customer service in government. Not feeling shaken? Not stirred? I’m not shocked. Since 1993, all three Presidents from both parties have added their personalRead… Read more »

Service Initiative Has GPRA Element

Customer service is about to become an annual performance goal for each federal department. First, there was last week’s presidential order on customer service. Then the Office of Management and Budget began pushing along compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010, which calls for agencies to measure customer service.Read… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Millennials: The Challenger Generation (04/13/2011) – Results from the latest global study conducted by Euro RSCG Worldwide finds Millennials, those between 18 and 29, are all about community, collaboration, and interconnectedness. They believe social media is the “new power of youth” and will play a big role in changing the world for the better.Read… Read more »