
Social Media Stages/Themes for Local Government

I read with interest Dan Slee’s blog post “Linked Social: Eight steps of social media evolution in local government” and whilst I agree with Dan I commented on his post with a slightly different perspective. I recommend that you can read the post directly but I have included a bit of my comment below: WithRead… Read more »

The Personal Storyteller – 3 Tips to Improve Your Communications Skills

Article Summary: Everyone is a storyteller. You are a storyteller. You tell personal and professional stories every day. Whether you direct an international association, manage a government program, run a small business, or serve as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, consider every written, verbal, and social media communication as a business story. YouRead… Read more »

A Week to Celebrate: Public Servants & Municipal Clerks

This week is celebrating two large groups of government employees: Municipal Clerks and all of those in Public Service. Public Service Recognition Week About: Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) is hosted annually by the Partnership for Public Service and the Public Employees Roundtable. Their website has a “Celebration Toolkit” and an “Events” page to helpRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: We Salute You!!

This week marks the 27th annual Public Service Recognition Week celebration around the country. Budget restrictions are keeping activities on a more subtle scale this year – casualties include the annual street fair on the National Mall in DC. Additionally, the current political atmosphere makes it an interesting time altogether to be a public employee.Read… Read more »

Don’t assume everyone is offline

When I’m talking at events or to meetings of people within an organisation about the benefits of moving communications and engagement activity online, I often have someone put their hands up and say: I totally get what you are saying, Dave, but the problem is that we can’t move all this stuff online, because notRead… Read more »

Structure of public expression online

Greetings from the Australian Demographic & Social Research Institute (ADSRI) at the Australian National Unviersity, where Hai Liang, Web Mining Lab, Department of Media & Communication, City University of Hong Kong s talking on “The structure of public expression and issue rise: Participation heterogeneity, concentration, and timing in internet forums”. He studied 3,000 posts toRead… Read more »