
Are We Ready to Provide Great Customer Service in the Federal Government?

Yesterday, April 27, 2011, President Obama issued an Executive Order: Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service. In a nutshell, it directs agencies to develop and monitor customer service plans and measures and to solicit customer feedback to improve service. It calls for agencies to use technology to streamline customer service and to emulate practicesRead… Read more »

Blurred reading

When I was 17, my first proper paid job was in the public library just down the road from the Elephant and Castle. It was the first time I had come across large print books. They had their own section, and there was a huge demand for them. But though it was much more intenselyRead… Read more »

10 Ideas on Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service

On Wednesday, President Obama announced an Executive Order to “Streamline Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service.” I agree that citizens’ expectations of government are increasing and I think having focus on energy on the topic is really important. The good news is there is a lot of examples/ideas for agencies out there across government. Here’sRead… Read more »

Aetna Helps MLK’s Dream Blossom

I don’t know about all of you, but i’m pretty sad that The Cherry Blossom Festival is over here in DC. Every spring the city comes alive at the site of the first blossoms of the District’s historic cherry trees. The National Mall is filled with even more beauty than usual during this 3 weekRead… Read more »

Who’s Texting Whom?

In my last two posts, I introduced an idea that our reliance on text alone as a primary channel for communication is changing us. I also described one aspect of this communication, latency, that can help or hinder text communication. In this post, I’m going to talk about agency. a•gen•cy – noun the capacity forRead… Read more »

Facebook and Republicans, alternative engine news, draft EO issues, and #tcamp11 is coming in today’s political law links

DOES FACEBOOK OWE THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE? RedState has a post here about President Obama’s recent event at Facebook headquarters. “When the GOP has a nominee, Facebook should be fair and give the GOP nominee equal time.” FORMER SENATOR COLEMAN MOVES. Politico has the news. “Former Republican Sen. Norm Coleman is headed to law/lobbying powerhouse HoganRead… Read more »

REGISTER TODAY: National Press Club Event for Government Librarians Hosted by LexisNexis

Register now for a special breakfast event at the National Press Club especially for government librarians hosted by LexisNexis. PROGRAM: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons DATE: Thursday, April 28, 2011 TIME: 8:00 ¬ 11:00 a.m. Sign-in and continental breakfast begin at 8:30 a.m. Presentation begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. Guest speakers for this eventRead… Read more »

The Speed of Text

In my last post, I forwarded that many people today are becoming hardwired for texting. I’ll touch on one aspect of this phenomenon: latency. la⋅ten⋅cy – noun the time that elapses between a stimulus andthe response to it. In face-to-face communication, we rely on centuries of language and customs, coached and reinforced from when weRead… Read more »

Converting the Dissenter; Part Two

As a follow-up to last week’s blog,, this week’s entry continues our discussion on the tactics that the Change Management Champion (CMC) can utilize to mitigate the change resistors also known as dissenters. As mentioned in my previous blog, frequently a combination of mitigation approaches may need to be utilized together or sequentially, asRead… Read more »

BlogWorld – New York

BlogWorld & New Media Expo is right around the corner, May 24-26, taking place at the Javits Center in New York City. This is the world’s largest blogging and social media conference, and it’s known worldwide for presenting internet luminaries and entrepreneurs, the most popular and knowledgeable bloggers, podcasters and social media marketing thought leaders.Read… Read more »