
LocalGovCamp tickets available!

LocalGovCamp is coming back to Birmingham on the 18th June! 200 of the most innovative and creative people in the local government sector will be coming together on a Saturday to talk about making things better – sometimes with technology, sometimes not. LocalGovCamp is an unconference – basically a conference that’s fun. There’s no agendaRead… Read more »

Why We Text

I am a major proponent of using social media in learning, education and training. I dedicate a good deal of professional and personal energy explaining how organizations improve knowledge flows, how social media becomes a means for collective intelligence and how individuals and groups can improve performance, collaborate and innovate as knowledge and speed increase.Read… Read more »

Public Access to Tax Parcel: There’s an App for That!

I’ve talked about how ArcGIS can make tax parcel mapping a cinch for local governments, and here’s some great news! There is now an app to access tax parcel information. Check out the blog post below to find out more: Originally posted in the ESRI Local Government Blog. Parcel Value for iPhone is an ArcGISRead… Read more »

Research and Best Preactices eNewsletter

Research Digital American Family (04/12/2011) – A Nielson study looks at how multicultural families across America are adapting to today’s digital landscape. Within the Hispanic community, mobile serves as a key source of connectivity. African-Americans tend to prefer TV and mobile services, while Asian-Americans exhibit a huge appetite for online media, according to the study.Read… Read more »

Defying Cultural Patterns and Predictions Engaging Stress and Crisis: The Stress Doc’s 3 “R”s for Discovering Your Responsible, Resilient & Risk-Taking Essence

When you get a thank you card at the end of a program signed by participants during the event either it’s a less than captivating workshop or the group was really motivated to give you feedback. Fortunately, it was the latter and the words inscribed were very positive and poignant – people felt “enlightened,” “inspired”Read… Read more »

The importance of culture change in open government

Open government cannot succeed through technology only. Open data, ideation platforms, cloud solutions, and social media are great tools but when they are used to deliver government services using existing models they can only deliver partial value, value which can not be measured and value that is unclear to anyone but the technology practitioners thatRead… Read more »

Insulate Open Government Efforts From Budget Cuts

To be successful over the long-term, Open Government efforts can’t be a separate line item on the balance sheet With the recent news that several major Open Government efforts including,, and FedSpace may be shut down due to budget cuts and that the Pentagon has disbanded their social media office, many people inRead… Read more »

Facebook Translate for Government?

You may have noticed that a few years ago Facebook created a translation app to crowd source translations. The basic concept works like this: Step One – Translate the Glossary with all the core terms, people vote translations up or down to determine which ones stick. Step Two – Translate all of Facebook into theRead… Read more »