
Micro-participation project

We’re starting an open innovation-y project at Kind of Digital about micro-participation. Do get involved! Possibly related posts: Micro-participation at ShropCamp Digital engagement workshop, Peterborough, 25th May Some Kind of Digital posts More on micro-participation The need for micro-participation Original post

Third Thursdays SF – Organizing Local Gov 2.0

In San Francisco, the loss of a charismatic mayor who served as a social media and civic tech booster-in-chief within city government came as something of a blow to Gov 2.0 advocates last year. However, we rebounded by shifting our focus to building the civic tech and open government community of line workers, developers, activistsRead… Read more »

How Gov’t Agencies Can Build Audience and Increase Engagement

Happy Friday all! Here are 10 steps for Gov’t agencies to build audience: 1. Identify2. Logistics3. Define success4. Enlist5. Experts & Partners6. Community Strategy7. Content Strategy8. Launch9. Start doing10. Measure Here are 6 proven tips to increase engagement: 1. Connect2. Educate3. Empower4. Energize5. Enhance6. Enforce Want to learn more? Check out this presentation that detailsRead… Read more »

FedSMC 2011 Makes Some Headlines!

Never too early to start thinking about FedSMC 2012 – but before we go there, I want to share some highlights of 2011! FedSMC 2011 Headlines: FedSMC 2011 Made The Top Five Most Important Government Events of 2011. Thanks to and all the voters! Feds Respond to Averted Shutdown“Federal employees attending the Federal SeniorRead… Read more »


Frank Eliason, senior vice president for social media at Citigroup, is not only a believer in social media, but also has put social media to work. Eliason recently joined Citi after making a reputation as a change agent at Comcast. FedInsider spoke with him following his presentation at last week’s Federal Senior Management Conference (FedSMC)Read… Read more »

Breaking Down the Social Business Roadmap – Development

Reposted from our AIIM Community Blogs – In continuing of the series of our AIIM Social Business Roadmap blog posts, I will be looking into the topic of development within an organization as one of the 8 steps needed in order to be successful in this new digital age of business, social collaboration andRead… Read more »

I’m sorry, where did you say you were again?

I’ve just watched the web explode as someone finally put ‘Apple are collecting data on your whereabouts’ into terms a layman could understand. I could have added ‘without you knowing about it’ but you know what? I’m going to take a guess here and say if any of us had bothered to read the UserRead… Read more »

Good morning – here are my political law links for today

SWIPE FEES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. The Hill reports. “Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) has reaped a windfall in contributions from banks and lobbyists since introducing legislation to delay new regulations on debit-card swipe fees.” LIMIT ON ANONYMOUS DONATIONS? Politico reports. “The Obama administration is considering a number of measures to compel disclosure of the kind of anonymousRead… Read more »

Telecommunications in Australia Podcast

The 30 minute audio Podcast “Telecommunications in Australia”, by Keri Phillips, ABC Radio National “Rear Vision” program, is available.This puts the National Broadband Network a historical context: “Everything to do with communications in Australia has always been highly political; the National Broadband Network provides the latest evidence. Rear Vision looks at the story of communicationRead… Read more »