
Recruitment 411: Marketing is Alive and Well on Facebook

A co-worker recently sent me a Fortune magazine article, Facebook: Where marketing efforts go to die? Knowing Facebook is an essential element of our recruitment marketing, I was immediately curious. As I started reading, I realized the article was talking more about product marketing than marketing a brand like we do at the IRS. WithRead… Read more »

Enterprise CTOs: Learn Hadoop and Cloudera’s CDH3 on 21 April

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Cloudera’s VP of Product Charles Zedlewski in person. Charles has a gift for understanding enterprise technology and conveying his understanding in clear, easy to remember ways. Charles will be providing a presentation on Cloudera’s Distribution of Hadoop (CDH3) on 21 April 2011 via a webinar you can attend (linkRead… Read more »

Leveraging IT to Maximize HR Resources

Human Resource Specialists are not specialists in Information Technology. Yet, today HR has a difficult time recruiting, engaging with employees, providing benefits, conducting training or capturing performance feedback without the intervention of technology. In fact, without technology, I can emphatically say that these functions are impossible. Why? Because heightened expectations for anywhere, anytime access toRead… Read more »

Top 5: Awesome Ways USDA Reworked Its New Website

9:30pm last night USDA launched their Department-wide website redesign. From the beginning, they set out to tackle quite the challenge: Here’s what they faced: Do completely in-house working with a limited budget/resources Design an easy to navigate homepage to get citizens to the right place, and on their way effectively and efficiently Coordinate with 29Read… Read more »

Managing the Shift from a ‘Push’ to a ‘Pull’ Information Economy

One of the two implications of the paradigm shift I wrote about was the movement from an information economy in which providers pushed out their content to one in which consumers pulled it into their feed. This movement started with the advent of RSS feeds and has hit a high point in link shortening andRead… Read more »

INPUT recaps Ohio’s APCO/NENA state conference

INPUT Senior Analyst Jeff Webster recaps Monday’s Ohio APCO/NENA state conference. Earlier this week, the Ohio chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communication Officials (APCO) and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) held their annual joint conference, which brought together nearly 150 public safety communication officials throughout the Ohio region. As expected, the hot-buttonRead… Read more »

Facebook and Fort Bragg: Two Powerful Forces Unleashed?

This Thursday, Fort Bragg is trying something new: live interaction with citizens via Facebook. Here’s an excerpt from an article in the Fayetteville Observer: Fort Bragg leaders will answer questions live Thursday on Facebook, the popular social-networking site that until 2009 was blocked on many military computer networks. “We’re hoping specifically to have interaction withRead… Read more »