
REGISTER TODAY: National Press Club Event for Government Librarians Hosted by LexisNexis

Register now for a special breakfast event at the National Press Club especially for government librarians hosted by LexisNexis. PROGRAM: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons DATE: Thursday, April 28, 2011 TIME: 8:00 ¬ 11:00 a.m. Sign-in and continental breakfast begin at 8:30 a.m. Presentation begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. Guest speakers for this eventRead… Read more »

Girl walks into a Twitter conversation

This is another entirely random ‘what if?’ post. I freely admit that not the right amount of serious considered intellectual thought has gone into this. But. What if, right, we all rotated Chief Executives every few years or so? I can’t quite remember how it started and finding the conversation would be difficult, but IRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: David Dejewski

This week’s featured member is David Dejewski – check out his awesomeness! 1. What was your path to public service? Serving my community has seemed pretty important to me since I was a kid. I was 7 yrs old when I witnessed some “older” kids set fire to a field behind my house. I soundedRead… Read more »

Is Facebook the next frontier in business development?

INPUT Analyst Kate Tussey reports: If you hadn’t already heard, INPUT’s State and Local Information Services team is in the process of expanding our social media footprint. One of the possible outlets is utilizing Facebook for business purposes. Yes, you heard right, Facebook AND business in the same sentence. Although it may come as aRead… Read more »

We’re Hiring! Join our Web Communications Division as a GS7/9 Web Content Specialist

Join our Web Communications Division at USDA as a GS7/9 Web Content Specialist! Announcement is open through Thursday, April 28. Our Web team manages the website and oversees/coordinates the Department’s social media presence. It’s an exciting time at USDA as we’re soon launching a redesigned website and will be taking our web communications toRead… Read more »

The Biggest Barrier to Great Customer Service? Egos!

I had an interesting discussion with an esteemed colleague about my last blog post on making sure portal sites add value. One of my suggestions was to adopt a common design and publication standards across all agencies covered by the portal. He said, “Here’s a fact…every government entity will do what is in its bestRead… Read more »

In Search of Ideas: How Counties and Towns are Trying to Tap Citizens’ Smarts

***Part of our month-long series on Creating a Digital City with PDF – Check out all our analysis*** Karen Wilkerson is the city administrator for tiny De Leon, Tex., and her job won’t be getting any easier anytime soon. Like localities across the country, De Leon, a town of 2,433 as of the 2000 U.S.Read… Read more »

Breaking Down the Social Business Roadmap – Strategy

Reposted from our AIIM Community Blogs – In continuing of the series of our AIIM Social Business Roadmap blog posts, I will be looking into the topic of strategy within an organization as one of the 8 steps needed in order to be successful in this new digital age of business, social collaboration andRead… Read more »

Records Management in a Facebook World: an Oxymoron?

For most organizations (government agencies included), the legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks for managing electronic information are all constructed upon paper. The massive growth in the volume and variety of business information means that we can no longer extend our paper-based paradigm further and further into the world of electronic and social information. The resultRead… Read more »