
We Love our Feds, and So does GEICO

Geico is dedicated to serving those who serve our nation, but did you know that they also honor them? Federal employees better our country and make a difference every day, but rarely get the praise they deserve. In 1980, The GEICO Public Service Awards were established to emphasize GEICO’s belief that the contributions of manyRead… Read more »

Less Is More: Dr. Diane Gayeski and Information Overload

The National Association of Government Communicators’ (NAGC) 2011 Communications School is a unique training event dedicated to helping government communicators hone their skills. The event will include featured speakers with diverse expertise in the field of communication. Diane M. Gayeski, Ph.D., Dean of the Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College, will beRead… Read more »

I believe

I believe: everyone has a right to an education appropriate to their level of intelligence – some people want to learn and some people don’t, some people will learn and some people wont, some people need to learn and can’t. The latter is a damning indictment of our approach to learning. The former is aRead… Read more »

Taking the Postal Platform to the Digital World – New Ideas from the USPS OIG

The USPS OIG has just released an interesting new paper today on positioning USPS for the digital world. Some of the key findings include the following: Although the digital option has grown as a channel for Americans to communicate, purchase, and store personal information, there are drawbacks that leave a significant portion of the populationRead… Read more »

A New Corridor Open in the State Department

When Twitter launched in 2006, it would have been impossible–perhaps even irresponsible–to predict its success or the ways in which people would use the platform, shape its language, and through it, change the social media landscape. Over time, the people who used Twitter helped identify the most valuable features (hashtags, anyone?) and its most relevantRead… Read more »

The Foreign Office on Foursquare

The regular reader of these chunterings will have noticed a pattern. How you decipher that pattern is up to you. Where I see the ‘dissemination of relevant content through all available channels to established audiences across the digital sphere’, you might see ‘obsessive bandwagon jumping, ticking off social media trying to look trendy’. Either way,Read… Read more »