
Top 5: Reasons Is Now the Hottest Open Gov Project

In 1998, was considered the best website in government. Other than a redesign in 2001, their website has largely remained unchanged…and quite possibly had become the worst website in government. Here’s a screen shot of how it has looked for much of the past decade: Yesterday, GovLoop received a sneak peek at the Beta.FCC.govRead… Read more »

Reg Closes Today at Midnight ET/NY for Interactive Games & Mobile Apps for Public Engmt

Our mini-conference this Thursday, April 7 will be a fantastic conversation about how interactive games and mobile apps are being used today for public engagement. The day is chock full of practical, inspiring and insightful case studies and other presentations. You can participate as an individual registrant or you can convene a group of colleaguesRead… Read more »

Facebook Questions are Great for Gov, but be Careful…

On March 24, Facebook rolled out the Questions feature to all its users. It’s a new way to ask and get answers from your friends or fans on Facebook. For government, this could be a great opportunity to get direct feedback for Product development How can we improve our current website? How difficult was itRead… Read more »

Code for America hosts launch of Simpl

The launch and initial social innovation matchmaking activities hosted by Code for America, at their San Francisco headquarters on April 5th, will be the first public unveiling of the new Simpl platform. This important milestone is the result of a partnership between public sector consultancy FutureGov and government marketing experts Rock Creek Strategic Marketing. FindRead… Read more »

“Whosoever Desires Constant Success must Change his Conduct with the Times.”

This Machiavellian quote encapsulates this week’s blog, which is a continuation of last week’s blog where we categorized the six tactics people utilize to avoid accepting change. To recap, there are several different tactics that are typically taken that can be classified into the following six categories Only Game in Town We Are theRead… Read more »

Bookmarks for February 23rd through April 4th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Reaping the benefits of shared services – Interesting interview with @terryhuggins on the shared services arrangement between South Holland and East Lindsay councils. UK IT Strategy Sets the Pace for All European Governments, But Can They Deliver? – Interesting coverage of the new UK govRead… Read more »