
Welcome to Public Health Week!

Ah, April. Once again we are welcoming the month by shaking off the chill of the wintery months and getting into the mood for new life, warmer weather and recognition of the public health field. That’s right folks – we’ve made it to another Public Health Week! This year the theme is entitled: Safety isRead… Read more »


This week we are conducting a workshop based on our book DISCover Your Communication Style. 2 groups of 50 people in Social Services. A real need for team communication within these depts don’t you think?

Was IT Really Worth It? The ROI Report Card for Government IT Projects

One problem for IT Directors is how to judge the success and failure of their IT deployments and how to calculate return on investment (ROI) for technology. Because government does things due to law, rule and regulation, it is required to undertake some tasks and this clouds the issue for how to gauge the valueRead… Read more »

Telling the truth

Some people think Blackburn is a bit of a trailblazer on the social media side of things. I’d much rather people looked to Kirklees when handing out such accolades. However, what I do think I can comment on, what I do think I am qualified to comment on, is the state of social media inRead… Read more »

Civil Protection 2.0 – More from Elena Rapisardi in Tuscany

Some of you will remember an earlier blog post about the webconference that Elena Rapisardi and I convened, in January, 2010, among people in Virginia, New Orleans, Boston, Italy (University of Ferrara campus) and in Dublin, with the generous assistance of Management Concepts staff. Elena, a member of the GovLoop community, continues her groundbreaking effortsRead… Read more »

Open Act

This is a pitch/idea shaping exercise/idea bounce/is this really a good idea post. Firstly some disclaimers. I didn’t study law. The closest I came was studying a module at university for my HND in Business and Finance (no I don’t have a degree, yes I am looking at rectifying that, possibly, yes it might beRead… Read more »

Civic Health Index

An annual report that elevates the discussion of our nation’s civic health by measuring a wide variety of civic indicators, America’s Civic Health Index is in an effort to educate Americans about our civic life and to motivate citizens, leaders and policymakers to strengthen it. Among other things, the Civic Health Index measures such factorsRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Junkies, Shlump-ies, and How to Really Surprise Your Teacher

No, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke. It’s time for the… FRIDAY FAB 5! TGIF, and I’m not talking about abc’s Friday night sitcom lineup from the 90’s. It’s time to take a look back at some or the top GovLoop content from the past week. The Most Commented Blog of the Week goes toRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 1, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda We Need an Idea, and We Need It Now! The Collaboration Project is offering federal leaders a primer on “Tools for Online Idea Generation: A Comparison of Technology Platforms for Public Managers.” On a related note: New Yorkers Have No Shortage of Ideas. Alex Howard reports on how New York City is usingRead… Read more »

Learning to Love Email

I’ve beaten wikis to death in this space. I’ve presented arguments about how we can use them more effectively, why we need to shift how our organizations look at them, and even tried to explain how enterprise wikis change the traditional relationship between accountability and responsibility. In so doing, I think I may have overlookedRead… Read more »