
Managing the Social-Media Paradigm Shift: Ride the current, or be swept aside

Everyone who’s ears have been assaulted with talk of “paradigm shifts” can thank Thomas Kuhn, author of “The She Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” I’ve often wondered why that phrase beguiles so many consultants and technology cheerleaders, and it’s a shame that it has, because in the glare of that overexposure, we may have blinded ourselvesRead… Read more »

Feds Stay Informed Using ALL Media

I attended one of my favorite annual events this week—the Annual Federal Media and Marketing Study presentation. The research, done by Market Connections, Inc. with TMP Government, surveys government and military mid to senior level professionals to learn how they are using media in their work. Subscribers to the study can slice and dice theRead… Read more »

Starting a “Gentoring” ™Program: Gen X-Y Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide

Starting a “Gentoring” ™Program: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Gen Xers and Millennial “Hot Buttons” In the first two segments of my Gentoring essay, a) the concepts of Gentor ™ and Gentoring ™ were introduced (“Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide or “Don’t Be Afraid to PetRead… Read more »

A well-informed public benefits everyone

By Tom Bullington, Communications Manager As most communicators are well aware, it’s critical to have a sense of what your audience wants (and needs) to hear before you share it. This is especially true when you work for a government. It should be your goal to provide the public with information that matters most inRead… Read more »

A well-informed public benefits everyone

By Tom Bullington, Communications Manager As most communicators are well aware, it’s critical to have a sense of what your audience wants (and needs) to hear before you share it. This is especially true when you work for a government. It should be your goal to provide the public with information that matters most inRead… Read more »

Apr 7 Keynote Address at Mobile Apps & Interactive Games Conf

Greenest City by 2020 Project: Bridging Digital and Traditional Participation in Vancouver, BC Susanna Haas Lyons / Public Engagement Specialist, and Researcher, University of British Columbia and Amanda Mitchell, Greenest City Planning Analyst at the City of Vancouver Join us for an exciting and indepth exploration of how the City of Vancouver, British Columbia,Read… Read more »

GL Chat – Enchanting in the Face of Adversity – Highlights from Guy Kawasaki talk

“If you’re not failing every now and then, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative” – Woody Allen We had an awesome live video chat with Guy Kawasaki today about “How Government Can Be Enchanting?” Well, I’d better preface that to say we had awesome content …but had technical difficulties with getting videoRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Want to Engage Your Federal Employees? Just Google It

With the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM)Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey coming to government workers again next month, now is a great time for federal managers to consider how you’re engaging and motivating your staff. While you may not have time to affect the results in this year’s survey, that shouldn’t stop you from planning forRead… Read more »


Two weeks ago I had the good fortune to be invited on #eLearnChat, a live-streaming talk show (and podcast) about the eLearning industry hosted by Terrence Wing (@terrencewing) and Rick Zanotti (@rickzanotti). Every week, they interview someone from the industry, and they’ve had a bunch of highlights in the fifteen shows until I intruded inRead… Read more »