
Geeks to Wonks – Call for Projects from #SXSH

As a follow on to the CKO/CHCO and KM discussions the other day that lamented some of the technical and policy gaps in implementing enterprise knowledge and learning solutions, just captured the following from Twitter which may be of interest to folks here to make connections on #opengov projects. See also:

Recruitment 411: A Tailor-made Website

Every so often, Recruitment 411 will feature a guest blogger. Today’s guest blogger is Shawn, who manages the IRS Careers website. We designed the IRS Careers website so visitors can easily find information about IRS jobs. The site includes four focus areas: pre-college, current students & recent grads, and experienced professionals, as well as peopleRead… Read more »

Federal Intranet Content Managers Lightning Rounds – Today 11 am PDT, 2 pm EST

On March 24, 2PM, Eastern, FICM will be hosting a presentation on a variety of intranet topics and voted upon by the greater FICM community. Check out all of the ideas, comments and votes on the FICM IdeaScale site ( Using a “lightning round” format, FICM Steering Committee and other group members will present forRead… Read more »

Effect of FOI reforms on ICT systems of government

The last talk I attended at the ACS Canberra Conference was Dr. JamesPopple, Australian Freedom of Information Commissioner, talking about the FOIreforms of government and what this requires of the information systemsgovernment uses.The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner commenced 1November 2010. This integrates information management, privacy and FOIfunctions of government.The new Original post

Effect of FOI reforms on ICT systems of government

The last talk I attended at the ACS Canberra Conference was Dr. JamesPopple, Freedom of Information Commissioner, talking about the FOIreforms of government and what this requires of the information systemsgovernment uses.The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner commenced 1November 2010. This integrates information management, privacy and FOIfunctions of government.The new approach Original post

Educating for Deliberative Democracy

In Educating for Deliberative Democracy, contributing authors and editor Nancy L. Thomas explore the critical role that higher education can play alongside expanding coalitions of civic organizations, public officials, and everyday citizens in strengthening democracy. At the heart of these efforts is a conviction that persistent public problems call for dialogue and deliberation that resultRead… Read more »

I’m hiring! Looking for a hotshot web coder

We’re looking for someone with creativity, initiative, and great web coding skills (HTML, CSS, JS). The job listing is open from now until April 7. We’re the team that manages EPA’s home page and many sites, including Earth Day. You might also get involved in emergencies, like our Japan nuclear emergency site. We also manageRead… Read more »

DHS Procurement Chief Seeks Continuous Improvement

The Federal Insider For Nick Nayak, public service runs in the family. The son of a 30-year scientist at the National Institutes of Health, Nayak was recently named chief procurement officer at the Homeland Security Department. He brings a lot of experience to the job, having spent nearly two decades in a variety of postsRead… Read more »

Reseach and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Social media as a customer service tool (03/03/2011) – Gartner predicts the use of social media for customer service will grow rapidly over the next two years. As more people participate in social networks, use of social customer service will become common as a way to improve customer experience. 2010 Digital Year inRead… Read more »