
Beware of Proposal Editors

I will never forget my first bylined article in the Financial Times of London. It was back when Kathy Lee Gifford was in trouble as her clothing line for Wal-Mart was accused of violating the child labor laws in Honduras. As an aspiring journalist, I did a ton of research and preparation for this article.Read… Read more »

Access to Information in Alberta: The Grim Picture on the Ground

I’ve been following with great interest the efforts of Intellog Blog’s effort’s to get the Government of Alberta to gain access to the location of all oil and gas well’s in the Western Sedimentary Basin. Their goal is pretty simple, they want to spur research and increase awareness around the economic opportunities, health consequences andRead… Read more »

Job Oppty: Alberta Climate Dialogue

PROJECT LEAD, Alberta Climate DialogueAlberta Climate Dialogue (ABCD) seeks a Project Lead to guide an ambitious citizen engagement initiative that will operate first in municipalities across Alberta and then scale up to the provincial level. ABCD is a five-year project premised on the conviction that well-designed citizen deliberations can play a crucial role in creatingRead… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Traditionals and Boomer ‘Hot Buttons’” – Part III

In the aftermath of a recent “Bridging Generational Communication” workshop with a major DC utility, I coined two new concepts – “Gentor” ™ and “Gentoring” ™. (My Webmaster frequently notes how Spell-check is not impressed by my wordsmith proclivities!) And a showcase essay, “Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital DivideRead… Read more »

Three Reasons Why the Social Media Guidelines for UAE Government are Vital

Few days ago, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) eGovernment has officially released a set of guidelines documents; one of them was Guidelines for Social Media Usage in UAE Government Entities. The document offers a set of guidelines for the government entities in UAE to manage their presence on social media websites and take actions onRead… Read more »

SLG Business Brief: Smart cities, walkie-talkies, and EHRs

This week in SLG business, IBM announced a host of recipients of its Smarter Cities Challenge, first responders in Wisconsin will soon have new walkie-talkies, CSC has made headway on North Carolina’s EHR incentive system, Massachusetts re-ups with its Health Connector IT provider and the streak of ERP wins continues for Tyler Technologies. Also someRead… Read more »