
Pulling, Not Pushing: How To Make Me Pay Attention

In my previous post about online listening, I mentioned RepKnight, a soon to launch lightweight tool for tracking keywords across social media services. In this guest post, RepKnight’s Lyra McKee talks about getting people’s attention online without irritating them. Social media is like the Internet in 1999; no one’s quite sure how best to useRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 04, 2011 (GAO Report on Duplication and Overlap Edition)

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Legislative Branch: Fake Online IDs Imperil Social Media’s Effectiveness. Polico reports that some legislators want to give up on Twitter–in part because they can’t tell if the people who are following them are their own constituents. (Could they use something like Contapuntally, The Air Force Wants to Manage Fake Personae. There isRead… Read more »

Even more determined

Personally I was very pleased to hear that Walsall Council had decided to do an “experiment” with twitter and tweet for a full 24 hours. But this post is not about that work although you can read more about it here on Dan Slee’s blog and follow it for yourself on twitter with the hashtagRead… Read more »

National Broadband Network Submissions

There are now 180 published submissions to the “Inquiry into the role and potential of the National Broadband Network” (including my submission) and one from Australian Computer Society I helped with). This is for the Austrlaian Parliament House Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communications. I looked at the first 47 previously. The 133 latest submissionsRead… Read more »

CB2: Army Social Media App Reviewed

A Tweet on the #SMEM (Social Media for Emergency Management) hash-tag alerted me to the release of an official “Army Social Media” app on the iPhone. No, this isn’t America’s Army where teens battle it out Call of Duty style, but rather a handbook for men and women in service and their families on usingRead… Read more »

Ignorance is no defence

To start with, I will make a confession, before I started looking at Social Media (about 2-3 years ago), I wasn’t that familiar with the fine details (or small print) of the policies and terms of conditions of service that I was always subject too. But wanting to ensure that I stayed within “the law”Read… Read more »