
Recruitment 411: Twitter Hashtags – the Good, the Bad & the Useless

Anyone on Twitter knows the game: you update your status with no more than 140 characters, including spaces and hashtags. According to Twitter data, there are around 750 tweets posted every second – that’s almost 65 million tweets per day. Getting your tweet in front of the right audience can be a bit of aRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Consumer New Media Study (02/22/2011) – When it comes to social media networks, 46% of customers want to solve a problem and nearly 40% want to give feedback, according to a study from Cone, Inc. To register and download the report go to: How-to Guide for Creating Open Government (01/15/2011) – An easy-to-useRead… Read more »

Twitter, politics, lobbying, connected charities, and more in my political law links of the day

HOW SHOULD POLITICIANS USE TWITTER? That’s the topic of this e.politics collaborative effort between Sandi Fox and Sean Hurley. (I follow back almost everyone who follows me on Twitter.) In other Twitter news, a tweet sparked a controversy involving a lobbyist and lawmakers in Missouri and you can read more about that here. And inRead… Read more »

The Shutdown Startup

Hey there GovLoop Community – I’d like to introduce you to the Shutdown Startup. If the federal government shuts down, thousands of passionate public servants will be kept from their full-time jobs. But that doesn’t mean we can no longer serve. In the event of a shutdown, we’re committing to volunteer with non-profit organizations throughoutRead… Read more »

BEWARE the Facebook Comment Plug-in!

If you haven’t heard the news, Facebook has made changes to its comment plug-in. Whether or not you have anything to do with managing an official Facebook page, if you have a Facebook profile and comment on blogs you need to study up. I read about the changes this morning on Mashable (video interview withRead… Read more »