
Online, Interactive Digital Engagement Governance – a.k.a. Approaching Social Media Governance as a Method

This will be the first in an ongoing set of entries about Interactive Digital Engagement Governance. Contact me or Navigation Arts in McLean, VA for more information, or for ideas regarding planning and implementing such a methodology at your organization. The concept of governance isn’t new at all to organizations building websites, whether inside (asRead… Read more »

Comments – is Facebook the answer?

Commenting on websites is a funny thing. Luckily for me, DavePress is sufficiently niche not to attract too many readers, so the problem of being inundated by moronic comments has never really been an issue for me. For big, popular sites though, commenting can be a real issue. You just need to take a lookRead… Read more »

Governors hear from security officials, state CIOs about cyber security

Although the headline was lost among budget cuts, state capital protests and public sector layoffs, efforts to gin up interest in cyber security during the National Governors Association Winter Meeting last weekend were heard loud and clear. Calls from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and a briefing by General Keith Alexander,Read… Read more »

Time is Precious

Creative Commons via Robbert van der Steeg on FlicKr None of us are born with the knowledge of how many days we have on this earth. I suppose, if we did, it might be a bit torturous….always wondering if we could cheat the certain hands of death. Today, I’m not going to write about socialRead… Read more »

Getting it Right: Critical Success Factors for Change Management Initiatives, Part 2

As a follow-up to last week’s blog this week’s entry focuses on the five additional Critical Success Factors (CSF) that a successful Change Management (CM) program needs. To recap, in last week’s blog, I discussed in detail the following five factors: Effective program management Strong support from the executive champion Clear goals and specificRead… Read more »

Cook County debuts two WordPress Web sites, new social media channels

The new Cook County Government homepage is a place where citizens can find out about news, deadlines, programs and other information to help them interact with the county in a smarter way. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle said transparency means delivering useful information to the public in real time. This Web site is designedRead… Read more »

March Get Redy and Red Cross Month

Feds hit social media geeting people ready! Get ready. Ready for what? Ready for almost anything. Sound impossible? Ready for everything is. Being prepared in general makes one more prepared. That is why Ready.Gov is using Twitter, YouTube, web sites, emails – even Facebook are being used to move people. Did I mention this isRead… Read more »

Articles I’m Digesting: Feb 28th, 2011

Been a while since I’ve done one of these. A surprising amount of reading getting done in my life despite a hectic schedule. In addition to the articles below, I recently finished Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus (solid read) and am almost done Kevin Kelly’s What Technology Wants, which, is blowing my mind. More on both soon,Read… Read more »