TriMet’s tweets revisted
Hard Drive’s Joseph Rose puts TriMet’s (OR) customer communications in the spotlight again, following up on an earlier criticism of the agency’s alerts. Original post
Hard Drive’s Joseph Rose puts TriMet’s (OR) customer communications in the spotlight again, following up on an earlier criticism of the agency’s alerts. Original post
When they consider using social media, some agencies worry about negative comments. Mass Transit magazine says the fear can be worse than the reality. Original post
There are now 180 published submissions to the “Inquiry into the role and potential of the National Broadband Network” (including my submission) and one from Australian Computer Society I helped with). This is for the Austrlaian Parliament House Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communications. I looked at the first 47 previously. The 133 latest submissionsRead… Read more »
A Tweet on the #SMEM (Social Media for Emergency Management) hash-tag alerted me to the release of an official “Army Social Media” app on the iPhone. No, this isn’t America’s Army where teens battle it out Call of Duty style, but rather a handbook for men and women in service and their families on usingRead… Read more »
Anyone on this site is probably pretty hip to social network operations and you don’t need this information. I put my post about the Facebook comment plug-in up on a local social network in my hometown and got asked how to shut the gate, so to speak, so I thought I’d share the steps hereRead… Read more »
MTV’s “unplugged” is a cool way to redo a song with a natual acustic sound. What about life. Can you unplug for a weekend? Really unplug. No cell phone. No iPod. No social media or computer. Take a day off – just a day. Is this a good idea ? Many digital natives (those whoRead… Read more »
To start with, I will make a confession, before I started looking at Social Media (about 2-3 years ago), I wasn’t that familiar with the fine details (or small print) of the policies and terms of conditions of service that I was always subject too. But wanting to ensure that I stayed within “the law”Read… Read more »
Anyone on Twitter knows the game: you update your status with no more than 140 characters, including spaces and hashtags. According to Twitter data, there are around 750 tweets posted every second – that’s almost 65 million tweets per day. Getting your tweet in front of the right audience can be a bit of aRead… Read more »
I’ve written about my interest in the potential of social media to improve higher education before, and as one of the members of the SMCEDU Board of Advisors, I want to help increase awareness among colleges and universities in how social media can help improve the quality of education and why students should be learningRead… Read more »
Research Consumer New Media Study (02/22/2011) – When it comes to social media networks, 46% of customers want to solve a problem and nearly 40% want to give feedback, according to a study from Cone, Inc. To register and download the report go to: How-to Guide for Creating Open Government (01/15/2011) – An easy-to-useRead… Read more »