
Social media cheat sheet

No one wants to be the last to know. When a city government begins to use social media to connect with citizens, it’s important to inform employees what you’re doing. Problem is, some employees haven’t gotten on the social media bandwagon yet, and aren’t sure what you’re talking about when you say “the city isRead… Read more »


I love the word, but that’s beside the point. An old ex boyfriend found me today on Twitter. No dramas, we parted company reasonably amicably and time passes and turns reasonably into water passing under bridges. We swapped details, little has changed, he’s doing very well for himself as a PM at Channel 4 andRead… Read more »

Weekly Links Roundup 2.14.11

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 5 Fictions About Social Media for Public Health and Healthcare: Craig LeFebvre (@chiefmaven) points out some misconceptions about the role of social media in public health and why we should beRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup: Week of February 18, 2011

A California Representative introduces legislation to protect consumer privacy online, state and local government employ crowdsourcing tools to gather citizen feedback, CIA gets social, President Obama has dinner plans with some of the best known representatives of the high tech industry, and Gov20LA founder Alan Silberberg shares takeaways from the most recent conference, all inRead… Read more »

Less is More

Optimism is rising among small business owners, but, according to a recent Citibank survey, the rosier outlook may not lead to more hiring, Dow Jones Newswire reports today. While more than 80% of small company CEOs think that 2011 will be better than 2010, only 14% say they will hire additional employees. Unfortunately, this isRead… Read more »

The Modern Policy Wonk Workstation

The web is integral to my work. Here’s a mockup of my workstation on a typical workday (Note that dual monitors are integral to this set up)(click to enlarge): Tweetdeck (for Twitter) Tweetdeck is open almost all day, and I am constantly paying partial attention to it. I have a it broken down into multipleRead… Read more »

Is Social Media your town square, classroom, coffee house or Nightclub?

On Tuesday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her second speech on internet freedom and social media, two subjects for which she is a strong advocate. She said the internet has become the world’s “town square, classroom, marketplace, coffee house and nightclub”. Today, I attended Facebook’s DC Live Event: Social Media and the WorldRead… Read more »

What myths would you like to see busted?

Mythbusters are in Government — and it’s not just a TV show! I had the pleasure of joining colleagues and friends at the AFFIRM luncheon today where we heard Daniel Gordon, Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget candidly talk about his priorities and a few myths they are trying toRead… Read more »

“Strike 2.0” in Israel Foreign Service: another opportunity to upgrade Open Government?

One month ago we have experienced in Israel something very unusual – the strike of the Israel Diplomatic service. Diplomats rarely go to strike, as diplomacy is considered an important element of the national security. But this time diplomats protested against the deterioration of their working conditions in the last 15 years, and there wasRead… Read more »