
Research Positions Open at Kettering Foundation

We’re glad to pass on this request from the Kettering Foundation: “The Charles F. Kettering Foundation offers one-year research positions at our Dayton, Ohio offices to doctoral candidates and recent Ph.D.’s. Research Associates receive excellent full-time compensation and benefits including medical insurance. As an operating research foundation, Kettering explores practical ways that democracy can beRead… Read more »

Data Innovation: Insight into the Health 2.0 Code-A-Thon

What exactly is a “code-a-thon” you ask? Well, I’m not computer science wiz but according to the Health 2.0 Code-A-Thon DC website: …bringing together developers, designers and raw data sets to build exciting new applications and tools for improved health care. Developers, designers and other stakeholders are given an overview of health care issues, toolsRead… Read more »

Your Social Business Maturity Level

I was looking at my RSS feeds earlier and came across an excellent post by Jeremiah Owyang – The Web Strategist. The post is called Spend wisely – finally an investment roadmap for social business buyers. The main thing I loved about the post was this one side maturity assessment, which could be used inRead… Read more »

What Government Public Affairs Can Learn From Donald Trump

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Donald Trump is a master of public branding and marketing for himself and his eponymous business interests. While government doesn’t usually consider itself in the business of “marketing” itself, in reality, the Open Government movement is to some degree about publicizing data and information in order to get it toRead… Read more »


Vienna, VA (Feb. 14, 2011) — C² Technologies, Inc. ( today announced that it has been awarded a project with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to evaluate NSF’s Web 2.0 presence and use of social media for employee recruitment and to make recommendations for improvement. C²’s evaluation of the NSF Web 2.0 and social mediaRead… Read more »

February 11 Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Innovation in Government (02/03/2011) – Report provides a framework government leaders can use to create a climate of innovation in their organization. Tips for fostering innovation include: establishing a lab for testing new ideas; organizing a task force to identify barriers to innovation; rotating employees in the agency to spread ideas; training employees onRead… Read more »

White House recognizes Grammy winner on Twitter, links to performance on YouTube

Esperanza Spalding won a Grammy for Best New Artist tonight. She’s an extraordinary talent. Moments after her win, White House new media director Macon Phillips congratulated her on Twitter and linked to a video of her performance at the White House Poetry Jam on YouTube: ] Shortly after that, the White House account shared theRead… Read more »

Customer Dissatisfaction

If you ran a business and only 65 percent of your customers were satisfied, do you think you’d stay in business very long? That’s what a recent survey found from customers of many federal agencies, and their customers aren’t happy! In response, Cong. Henry Cuellar re-introduces his customer service enhancement bill. The annual federal customerRead… Read more »