
Food for Thought From #Gov2.0LA

I am going to be honest. No one is twisting my arm this weekend to attend Gov2.0LA. With a backdrop like this, and temperatures in the mid-70s, life is good. Not to mention the rampant ideas and energy-rich conversations going on with a room full of experts dedicated to making government better. Despite my sun-inducedRead… Read more »

The curious tale of the mysterious triangle

The web amplifies. And here’s a good example of how the silliest little thing can go viral. Of how unintentional geekness thrown together in 10 minutes can suddenly end up with people from Cologne to California commenting on that geekness and people saying thank you in quite sweet and lovely ways. On January 12th thisRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup: Week of February 11, 2011

The General Services Administration unveils a sustainability tool, Seattle government makes interacting with the city easier with a single login, Jeff Pon gives tips on addressing the boss’s concerns about telework, and FEMA uses Twitter to talk and to listen, all in this week’s version of the Gov 2.0 Roundup. –Earlier this week, the GeneralRead… Read more »

You’ve come a long way baby

Yeah, so it’s a me post. Sorry. Something @willperrin said to me today after this afternoons #lgovsm session has really really hit a sore spot. So, naturally, I’m here to share the sore spot. Because I’m that kind of girl. But also because…he had a point. And it’s always the comments which are true whichRead… Read more »

Data Centers: New Use for Blighted Downtowns?

After the economic bust, a number of cities have been left with literally blocks of abandoned office space, creating an eyesore as well as hazards due to decay, arson, and squatters. However, according to an article by Robert Sharoff in the New York Times, cities such as St. Louis are finding new tenants for theirRead… Read more »

Alexandria, VA merges online and offline citizen engagement with ACTion

This week, Alexandria, Virginia launched a new twist on challenge based citizen engagement with ACTion Alexandria. ACTion Alexandria is an online citizen engagement initiative, that on the surface looks similar to other online idea platforms such as UserVoice or IdeaScale. However, unlike these off-the-shelf solutions, ACTion Alexandria leveraged its history as an offline organizing groupRead… Read more »

The Growing Importance of Online Awareness Networks

After writing from From Briefing Notes to Govblogging, I got an email from Richard Akerman that contained the following nugget (internal link, contents reproduced with permission): “Another [worldview] is that every employee needs to construct and maintain an “awareness network” to monitor the rapidly-changing environment. Individualised, curated streams of google alerts, RSS feeds, news apps,Read… Read more »

Is Web 2.0 Always the Way to Go?

Just because government is further behind the private sector when it comes to jumping on the Web 2.0 train doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of chatter about getting on board. I’ve heard things like “We need an app where citizens can take pictures of potholes or graffiti with their camera phone, geotag the location,Read… Read more »