
February’s Theme – Design Thinking for Wicked Problems Enabling Learning Experiences

As the first month of the Future Learning Experience Project comes to a close, so too does our explicit focus on definitions. Let me take a few sentences to recap what exactly we defined in the last month: We offered a definition of what a learning experience is, and some contexts to consider how learningRead… Read more »

Defining Collaborgagement

As I wrote in a earlier posting, I coined the term collaborgagement while attending a session at John Newton (Alfresco’s CTO) commented that the next generation of enterprise IT tools need to serve the middle of the enterprise – the domain of the knowledge workers. These tools need to support collaboration, knowledge management, andRead… Read more »

Building Gov 2.0 Community in San Francisco

We’re excited about a fresh new look for OpenSF, a team blog dedicated to innovation, collaboration and transparency in San Francisco government. OpenSF was originally launched by Jay Nath, director of innovation in the City’s Department of Technology, and his team members were the primary contributors. For about a year, I’ve been writing regularly forRead… Read more »

Osocio Awards 2010: Social Cause Advertising

Leading creative/advertising blog, Osocio, is conducting it’s annual awards event for top socially conscious campaigns of 2010 that were featured on the site. Many of you may remember Pulse + Signal guest author – Marc van Gurp, who posted content for Spread the Word Sundays last year. Here’s an excerpt on why it’s happening: BecauseRead… Read more »

Five Big Questions About Government Social Media In 2011

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) – The Federal government has made a good deal of progress toward being more transparent, collaborative, and participatory during the two years since President Obama took office. However, despite great strides, government practitioners’ use of social media is not very sophisticated, does not take advantage of the latest tactics and tools,Read… Read more »

Tips from Texas Gov 2.0 Camp: Transparency and a Lone Star Legislator

The Texas Gov 2.0 Camp has been happening yesterday and today and I was lucky enough to be on an email string where I learned from Steven Polunsky, Director of the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce for (Texas State) Senator John Carona that they are engaged in some innovative transparency initiatives in the TexasRead… Read more »