
Are you a new media player or traditional media wonk?

If you are performing tradition news distribution and out reach are you missing the mark on current media trends and reaching your target audiences for more effective results. Are you reaching your public facing audiences? Is sending out a traditional press release your only distribtution strategy? Read more on some of current trends I copiedRead… Read more »

How Well Does the PR Industry Promote Itself?

In a world of media overload and convergence everywhere, I wonder which media/PR companies do their own best marketing and outreach? I ran acorss an article on Etrade this morning which is worthy of a read, because all gov agencies have public affairs offices and many may use PR firms to help them with theirRead… Read more »

Premier Business Leadership Series in Las Vegas Video Review

I am currently a student at The Maxwell School at Syracuse University working towards my Masters in Public Administration. I use this blog to write about my experiences at Maxwell, especially related to social media use in the public sector. You can follow me on Twitter: @pjfiorenza and please feel free to leave some comments!Read… Read more »

Privacy in the era of social media

Attorney General Rob McKenna wrote the following post for our Facebook page today. Additionally, Facebook is sharing McKenna’s post on its Facebook and Privacy Page, which also includes remarks from experts at the the Future of Privacy Forum, Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and NetChoice. Original post

GovDelivery clients share best practices, success stories at Minnesota user event

By Stephanie Elsner, Events Coordinator It was great to see so many familiar faces during GovDelivery’s Minnesota user event on Wednesday, Jan. 26. The 66 clients in attendance at the Bloomington Holiday Inn not only heard about the latest and greatest product developments, but were treated to a presentation by Stearns County, Minnesota. Officials fromRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up January 28, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda My colleague, John Bordeaux, has me thinking about the Internet of Things. Slate ran an article about ThingD, which is trying to add a social dimension to that other internet. (So far, though, I like Uncrate more–better curation. I’m saving up for a Seabreacher!) I foresee strong implications for government agencies. Slate’s MichaelRead… Read more »

I Have Met The Enemy And It Is Not PowerPoint

Mark Valentine (Chevy Chase, MD) — After a long period of popularity, there has been a recent backlash against the use of PowerPoint for communication within the government, particularly at the Pentagon and within the U.S. national security and intelligence community. However, focusing on the software as the cause of communications breakdown is merely aRead… Read more »

Scan the APD QR Code for Contact Info!

At first glance this may not look like a useful tool, but many of you can scan it with your smart phone or other device and pull up the contact information for the Arcadia Police Department. The Department address, phone number, website, and even our Twitter tag are listed in the code. Known as aRead… Read more »

Top 10- What’s Next DC 2011

On Monday I spent most of my afternoon at an awesome conference called What’s Next DC. The conference largely consisted of a variety of Marketing/Social Media/PR/SEO gurus (GovLoop’s own Steve Ressler included) all coming together to talk about what’s working for them now, and how to make improvements in the coming months and years. PairRead… Read more »