
Becoming A Trusted Source

Steve Rubel’s blog A Devaluation of “Friends” May Be Driving Trust in Thought Leaders says “someone like me” and regular employees are losing authority to experts. “Trust in credentialed experts (70%) and company technical specialists (64%) is soaring” I think that is certainly true and a maybe pinhole look at what is going on. AllowRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Bitter Partisanship and Better Health Care (Duke’s Peter Ubel)

A few weeks ago, I interviewed Peter Ubel – a physician and behavioral scientist who “explores the quirks in human nature that influence our lives — the mixture of rational and irrational forces that affect our health, our happiness and the way our society functions.” He is also “a Professor of Marketing and Public PolicyRead… Read more »

Ask the GovExpert: First-Hand on Rhode Island Taking OpenGov Lead with Mike Trainor

I was in Rhode Island yesterday talking to the fantastic Governor Chafee’s team about public communications and open government. Governor Chafee was one of the first candidates in the nation to have an open government initiative (which even mentions using GovLoop to connect their employees) and one of the first governors to have a transitionRead… Read more »

The State of Engagement

Here’s a really nice round-up up the technology and engagement aspect of last night’s #SOTU. From folks over in the UK at Helpful Technology. The State of Engagement… What did you like about last night’s #SOTU technology/engagement/citizen outreach-wise? Favorite

Democracy Communications Network

The “Democracy Communications Network” was a 2007-2009 project centered around an informal group of leaders (listed below) who agreed to periodically write letters to the editor, blog posts, and other media pieces as part of larger, collaborative campaigns that raise awareness of the importance of quality public engagement. Use the “Democracy Communications Network” tag toRead… Read more »

Tips for Writing Op-Ed Articles

Here are some great tips that Joe Goldman from AmericaSpeaks sent out to people who were considering writing op-eds/letters to the editor as a part of the Democracy Communications Network… Limit the article to 750 words. Shorter is even better. Unfortunately, newspapers have limited space to offer, and editors generally won’t take the time toRead… Read more »

6am. No power. No social media and schools open

Today an explosion at the power plant took out power around 6 am. No phones, no lights, no internet, no tv, no tweets (my cell phone does not have internet access). Hearing “explosion at power plant” gave the impression of days, not hours of darkness. One long swath from Elizabeth N.C. through Chesapeake VA wasRead… Read more »

CB2: Breaking Bread With the Governator

Last night in Winnipeg, Manitoba I had the awesome pleasure of dining at the same table with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Premier Greg Selinger, Minister of Defence Peter MacKay, Mayor of Fargo Dennis Walaker and other exciting guests. My company GovLivewas a sponsor of an Evening With Arnold – the first speaking engagement since he leftRead… Read more »

Lessons for Every Gov Communicator in Obama’s State of the Union

By Ev Chasen Jan 26 2011, 12:01 AM The State of the Union address is a speech like no other. Every word is scrutinized for hidden meanings; every gesture and inflection analyzed for authenticity; every fact checked for accuracy by hundreds of reporters hoping to score “gotcha” points. Getting a proposal or a project discussedRead… Read more »