
ACUS is renaming its Blog! Help us out!

The Administrative Conference is beginning to ramp up its social media efforts. As we continue to grow, we are leveraging our blog to highlight Conference Member commentary on important issues, feedback on current research projects and federal register notices, and more. We’ve brainstormed options and are looking for feedback from our readers. We are usingRead… Read more »

Media Snacking

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we consume media these days and how this transformational shift is affecting us all. First, I should tell you that when it comes to technology trends in communication I tend to be an early adopter…not quite on the cutting edge but close enough. I also tend to beRead… Read more »

#ADLchat Transcript – January

10:31:30 am mrch0mp3rs: Who’s ready for #ADLchat? #ADLchat 10:32:18 am LrnEXP: Rules for #ADLchat: 1. Introduce yourself. Location? Focus? Favorite topics? 10:33:49 am LrnEXP: Rule2. [try to] stay on the #ADLchat topic. A new question will be asked every 15 min (or less). If you can, include Q# in related responses 10:34:18 am mrch0mp3rs: AaronRead… Read more »

Simple Sabotage – We Wrote the Book

17 January 1944, the Office of Strategic Services in Washington D.C. published a book titled “Simple Sabotage Field Manual.” You can find this book for Kindle on for about $5, or you can download a free version by clicking this link to Warning text on page 1 states: “The contents of this ManualRead… Read more »

1600 Pennsylvania Has Done it Again!

I’ll admit it, I really do love I talk about it in various posts here on Govloop, but I can’t help it. Some of the best examples of social media in government can be found on This morning, I wanted to explore what the site would offer viewers today because of the StateRead… Read more »

Social Media as a Sensor – Leveraging Crowdsourced Data for Early Warning and Response

Originally posted at 2011 January 24 By Sara Estes CohenCo-authored by Bill Hyjek A recent story published on discussed the findings of group of researchers at the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing who developed a method for predicting changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average through the analysis of Twitter updates.Read… Read more »

Recruiting for a Purpose…

Scanning through Twitter tonight while working on a couple things, I came across an interesting job posting to the Problogger board: It just made me think about the interesting discussions and responses from the eCigarette series featured on the blog a few months back. I pointed out some things in the screenshot above that areRead… Read more »

Mobile apps, online shopping and, um, government marketing?

I went to What’s Next DC today, a very cool online marketing conference (featuring GovLoop’s own Steve Ressler) and I was struck by the simplistic analysis that many of the presenters offered of “what’s working” in marketing. For instance, one presenter went on and on AND ON about how awesome and remarkable Best Buy isRead… Read more »