
About a girl

I think it might be about time I did an introduction post. There also need to be some declarations of interest, and some disclaimers as ‘lots of passion and little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ rings in my ears. This is not a blog, in the main, about what I know. This is a blogRead… Read more »

Digital engagement in South Holland

Since moving house back in October, my local government district is South Holland, in south Lincolnshire. I’m no stranger to it – this is where I grew up, before leaving to go to University. It’s good to see the local council is engaging in some online engagement activity in the near future. Firstly, they areRead… Read more »

107 Trillion email in 2010 – Can we talk?

Its estimated 2010 saw 107,000,000,000,000 or (10.7 x 10^13) email messages sent world wide. Not text messages, nor tweets, nor blogs or web posts. Just email. Source: Now can we talk? Are we becoming a generation of readers or writers? How many emails are read, how many are spam or The ratio of emailsRead… Read more »

GovReads: Sh** My Dad Says

You know how when we are growing up and our parents say the stupidest things? Things like “I brought you into the world and I can take you out” or “Because I said so, that’s why”. Good times…good times. If you’re like me, you promised yourself that your wouldn’t say such stupid things. I stuckRead… Read more »

Get Organized for Great Customer Service

At long last, the customer service bandwagon seems to be rolling in government. The latest evidence: GSA just quietly unveiled a fabulous new website: It puts requirements, best practices, training, and tips for all forms of customer service delivery (web, call centers, publications, social media) under one customer service umbrella. Bravo! Finally, we canRead… Read more »

Working with Upset Customers? Turn down the H.E.A.T.

“When I have an angry customer, I just put the phone down on my desk and walk away. By the time I get back, they are either calm, or they hung up. Problem Solved.” I really did have a student in one of my classes make that statement. I’ve heard a lot of odd perceptionsRead… Read more »

Gov PR: Going Beyond the Standard Press Release with Real-Time Video

From the Granicus Blog As the need for real-time exposure to information grows, government PR and communications professionals should start to re-evaluate their plan of attack for press releases and public announcements. After handling all Granicus PR efforts and working with PIO’s and publicly directors at all levels of government, I’ve come to realize theRead… Read more »