
Email Marketing Solutions

We are looking for recommendations on what third-party solutions government agencies are using for email marketing purposes. Our needs include having a solution that offers templates, the ability to manage subscribers and track performance. I’m aware of companies such as MailChimp and Mad Mimi, but we are looking for a company that is based inRead… Read more »


I attended the seminar in DC today. The seminar was hosted by Alfresco and of course revolved around how this open-source enterprise content management tool can improve content management for government agencies. I’ve experimented with it a bit and think it is a good product. What I took away from the conference was someRead… Read more »

Dan Chenok on Privacy as a Key National Issue — Implications for Government Managers

Over at the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog, Dan Chenok has posted an article about the privacy implications raised by a few recent reports and their implications for government managers. Dan looks closely at: “Preliminary Staff Report” from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) A “Green Paper” from the Department of Commerce entitledRead… Read more »

Participation, and participating

Recently I’ve been thinking a fair bit about the ‘participation deficit’ – the fact that too few people are contributing too much to society. It’s what informed my post about my view that we need more councillors. No even half baked views or ideas yet, I’m afraid, though I’m mulling over whether to have aRead… Read more »

Talent Management: When the Question Is, Should I Stay or Should I Go?

With the freeze of pay in the air, there are sure to be federal employees – particularly soon to be retirees- asking the question (or humming The Clash,) Should I stay or should I go? Managers should not give up hope. Today in their joint “Keeping Talent” report, the Partnership for Public Service and BoozRead… Read more »

Personal Branding and Your Online Reputation

Personal branding The idea of personal branding has gained popularity in the last couple of years. It seems to mainly be used to refer to one’s online identity—meaning, mostly, what hits come up if someone Googles your name. Like product branding, the personal brand includes a number of values and ideas. It includes what peopleRead… Read more »

Leaders: knowing how to handle acquaintances, friends and lovers

Do you know who needs to be treated like trusted lovers, just friends or passing acquaintances? Successful leaders know how to manage the level of intimacy required to cultivate a range of relationships. Technology, especially with the advent of social media (Facebook LinkedIn, etc.), and search (Google, etc.) has made work life far more intimateRead… Read more »