
Learning Pool talks Social Care e-learning in Manchester and London

In the run-up to Wednesday’s publication of the health and social care bill David Cameron is discussing his plans to overhaul public services, including the NHS, today. You can voice your thoughts on Cameron’s plans with other social care professionals by grabbing one of the few places remaining at our free expert-led Social Care briefingsRead… Read more »

Social, civic benefits of Internet debated during State of the Net conference

A new study out yesterday by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that three-quarters of Americans participate in some kind of voluntary group or organization. Moreover, the study found the lines between online and offline participation in group activity is blurring. In a discussion held yesterday during the State of the Net 2011Read… Read more »

When Are You An Expert?

At what point in your career are you considered an expert by others, and when is it appropriate to call yourself an expert? Does being in your field for 10 years inherently mean you are an expert? Do you need to have published articles or serve on a board of directors? What if you haveRead… Read more »

Emergency and Education Communication Vehicle

The “Emergency and Education Communication Vehicle” (E2CV) of the Thailand National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) provides an interesting mix of uses which might be applied in Australia. The Thailand Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with Cisco Systems equipped a truck with broadband wireless communications and its own power supply. During anRead… Read more »

Job Oppty: Pgm Assoc, Community Training & Stakeholder Engmt

The Illinois Public Health Institute has an opening for the position of Program Associate, Community Training and Stakeholder Engagement. The due date for applications is January 28, 2011. The Illinois Public Health Institute (IPHI) is a partnership of public, private and voluntary organizations that seeks to maximize health, wellness and quality of life for theRead… Read more »

Facebook Terms Change for State & Local Governments

Recently read an article that Facebook is becoming more firendly in hopes that more state governments join. A September 2010 NASCIO survey found legals problems in the original Facebook terms of service were one of the important barriest to statel and local governments joining. Here’s what’s Facebook has agreed to do: ·strike the indemnity clauseRead… Read more »

3 Magic Words of Gov 2.0

I am currently a student at The Maxwell School at Syracuse University working towards my Masters in Public Administration. I use this blog to write about my experiences at Maxwell, especially related to social media use in the public sector. You can follow me on Twitter: @pjfiorenza and please feel free to leave some comments!Read… Read more »