
Canada’s Secret Open Data Strategy?

Be prepared for the most boring sentence to an intriguing blog post. The other night, I was, as one is want to do, reading through a random Organization for Economic Coordination and Development report entitled Towards Recovery and Partnership with Citizens: The Call for Innovative and Open Government. The report was, in fact, a summaryRead… Read more »

We need more councillors, not less

The MJ reports on Buckinghamshire County Council’s successful bid to reduce the number of members elected to it, from 57 to 49, in the name of cost cutting. County deputy leader Bill Chapple said: ‘I’m delighted the commission is taking our proposals forward. We are living in a time of austerity when tough decisions haveRead… Read more »

The Business of Being Real

Eight years ago, I was 22, and was just starting my first full-time job in the “real world.” I was a Marketing Assistant for a mid-size consulting company in Cambridge, MA. After a few days on the job, I realized I would be writing A LOT (which just tickled me pink), but I also realizedRead… Read more »

2011 PMF In-Person Assessment: Locations

[Also posted here] In-person assessments for the 2011 PMFs begin on Tuesday, January 18 and run through Friday, February 18 at four locations throughout the U.S. According to the PMF Program Office, all notifications have gone out, so all 1530 of you should be scheduled for an assessment date and location (assuming you went aheadRead… Read more »

Are You Building Community or Am I Just Painting Your Fence?

I succumbed to the hype and joined Quora last week. Two weeks before that I joined Academia which is a social networking site for academics. Friday night I joined Eegoes because they promised to help me organize my rapidly-expanding universe of social networking sites. I had a great time building profiles, looking for people toRead… Read more »

Get Your GovLoop On Hootsuite

Are you an avid tweeter? facebooker? Well if so we’ve got good news now you can send your tweets and status updates straight to GovLoop at the same time you are sending them to facebook and twitter. Thanks to a Ning upgrade we here at GovLoop have synced with Hootsuite. For those of you unfamiliarRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Success As A Suck-up?

There are certain things you should know about your boss. If you can’t answer these questions, find out. Make this your goal for 2011. I suspect the results will a). impact your workplace relationship with your boss for the better, b). make for a performance review you see an improvement on, and c). provide youRead… Read more »

The Paradox of Pilots

As many organizations in business and government try to capture some of the magic created by network communication, they often and understandably formulate strategies beginning with “pilots.” “Pilots” are a paradox. When it comes to creating networks for customers, partners, and employees or citizens, designation of “pilot” status—by definition an experiment—can doom a project toRead… Read more »