
The Paradox of Pilots

As many organizations in business and government try to capture some of the magic created by network communication, they often and understandably formulate strategies beginning with “pilots.” “Pilots” are a paradox. When it comes to creating networks for customers, partners, and employees or citizens, designation of “pilot” status—by definition an experiment—can doom a project toRead… Read more »

Top 5 – Social Media Tips for New Governors and Their Staff

This month, a number of new governors will be transitioning into office. Most of these governors used online media to win their campaigns (from campaign web sties, email lists to Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, Google/FB ads, and more). As they transition into governing, I have 5 quick tips on how to build upon their desireRead… Read more »

Social Networking: Share Your Thoughts, Win Up To $100

My survey represents a chance to express your opinion of how social media tools serve our workplace. All participants can enter a drawing for a $100, $50 and multiple $10 Amazon gift cards!! You can provide the foundation for measurement of social networking concepts as they relate to individual perception of performance. But your responseRead… Read more »

Live Chat Thursday: Learn How to Have Meaningful Social Media Convos with Citizens

Most people are connected to social media but a large majority of those people really have no clue to push technology to enable meaningful conversations. Well fear not because GovLoop is bringing on an expert. Next Thursday from 2:00PM-2:30PM Mike Dover co-author of Wikibrands and Managing Partner of Socialstruct Advisory Group will be on theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup: Week of January 7

New microchips and tablet computers gather government interest at the annual Consumer Electronics Show, Facebook amends its terms of service for state governments, the National Archives makes searching for historical documents even easier, and the Federal Communications Commission issues a call for Open Internet proponents to put their programming skills into action, all in thisRead… Read more »

10 Tips For Designing a Great Facebook Quiz

Let’s say you’re the California Avocado Commission. You want to create awareness around avocados. Why? Perhaps your avocados aren’t getting the consumer love they once did, or you recently had a recall and want to get the facts straight with weary buyers. What do you do? Create a Facebook quiz! I know, I know it’sRead… Read more »


I am a layman in all things ‘suicide’, ‘suicide prevention’, ‘mental health,’ and variations thereof. Nevertheless, during and since the early ‘Viet Nam’ years my duties in the McClellan AFB IG (Congressionals, USAF Complaints Program, IG employee (privacy confidant), 1st level supv and comparable ‘additional duties, helped me to pick up ideas on how toRead… Read more »

63 People on GovLoop You Should Know

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: 63 people on GovLoop you should know I have selected 63 people on GovLoop you should know. All are engaged to some extent on GovLoop, the Social Network for Government. They are from both the public and private sectors, on the state, local, and federal levels. Most are inRead… Read more »