
The White House Wants You, Esteemed Experts!

The White House has been busy the last couple weeks, marking the first anniversary of the Open Government Directive with a live Q&A session, releasing a 25-Point Federal CIO Implementation Plan, and posting an ExpertNet RFI. We also shared a great analysis of the Open Government Initiative by Ph.D. candidate Angela Newell. This week, weRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research OMB plans transformational IT reform (12/09/2010) – 25-point plan requires all major technology programs have a dedicated, full-time, experienced program manager. Plan also includes closing 800 data centers by using cloud technology, and making it easier for the federal government to work with start-ups. Australia releases Gov 2.0 primer (12/2010) – How-to guideRead… Read more »

The Social Security Administration asks for feedback on its Agency Strategy Plan, the Department of Defense supports plain language, the Department of Agriculture heads for the cloud, and federal agencies get kudos for their social media endeavors, all in this week’s chilly edition of the Gov2.0 Roundup. —Every citizen has a vested interest in theRead… Read more »

Better Government Communication in the Social Networking World

Incidents like the TSA’s implementation of pat-downs and the Federal government’s response to the Gulf Oil Spill demonstrates that the current methods of government communication aren’t working as well as they did in the past. It used to be that citizens would get most of their information from network news shows, major national magazines andRead… Read more »

Citizen Action Center: Help Your City Code for America in 2012

Code for America began with a casual conversation between our Founder, Jennifer Pahlka, and Andrew Greenhill, Chief of Staff in Tucson, Arizona. That conversation launched a growing organization that is striving to help the brightest minds of the Web 2.0 generation transform city governments. Conversations matter. We believe that each conversation you have about CfARead… Read more »

Six Social Media Trends for 2011 (from Harvard Business Review)

David Armano of lays out his predictions for 6 social media trends for 2011. Read the full scoop on the Harvard Business Review here. He makes some interesting points (boiled down, below): 1. It’s The Integration Economy, Stupid. 2. Tablet & Mobile Wars Create Ubiquitous Social Computing. 3. Facebook Interrupts Location-Based Networking. 4. Average ParticipantsRead… Read more »

How times have changed in the life of a local government communicator

Times have definitely changed in the life of a local government communications professional. Ten years ago, I held this position for a city of 70,000 residents and my options for reaching citizens were much more limited than for someone in a similar job today. Back then, I essentially had to rely on the bi-monthly cityRead… Read more »