
Govies Show Sacrifice: It’s OK, Freeze My Pay

Today President Obama announced a federal pay freeze for Federal employees. If you haven’t heard, here’s all the details from our friends at the Washington Post: Obama announces two-year pay freeze for federal workers Of course, GovLooper Candace Riddle has already posted a forum about inviting you to: SOUND OFF: Your Thoughts on the FederalRead… Read more »

Three Thoughts As I Deck the Halls

I’ve been neglecting this blog. Too busy with holiday doings. So before I forget them, here are three quick thoughts that might deserve longer pieces…after the holidays. 1. Dashboards I’m beginning to wonder about the wisdom of all these performance “dashboards.” I understand that, in the spirit of open government, it’s good to have someRead… Read more »

TSA Supervisor to Staffer: Speak English

Last month, President Obama signed into law a bill that tells Uncle Sam to speak and write plainly. The bill echoed Obama’s executive order in May instructing agencies to write job announcements in clear language. Unfortunately, one smart-ass TSAer at BWI airport didn’t get the memos. Happily, her supervisor did. The New York Times reports:Read… Read more »

Is the State Department Wiki Leaks the Beginning of a Nightmare For Open Government?

After three days of consuming the best of cuisine during Thanksgiving holiday, I have once again experienced my usual holiday epiphany to become inspired. It is usually around this time of year, that I personally and professionally aspire to take my goal setting to the next level. Honestly speaking, I am excited about expanded hopesRead… Read more »

The Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist: An Introspection

This post originally appeared on my primary blog, “Social Media Strategery.” “The Social Media Strategist must choose one of two career paths – build proactive programs now…or be relegated to ongoing cleanup as social media help desk.” Not surprisingly, Jeremiah Owyang and the Altimeter Group have put together yet another thought-provoking report chock full ofRead… Read more »

3 Reasons Why I Love the Digital IQ Rankings

Recently an organization named L2 released the Public Sector Digital IQ rankings. They provided an assessment and ranking of the digital competence of 100 public sector organizations across four dimensions: Site, Digital Marketing, Social Media and Mobile. It is a pretty fascinating read and some of the top public sector entities were NASA, Army, StateRead… Read more »

NASA Ranks as Most Social Media-Savvy in U.S., Study Says

If organizations that used Facebook to disseminate their message were actual people, NASA would be the captain of the football team and the class president, the White House would be his cheerleader girlfriend and the the Department of Commerce would be the nerd they both pushed into a locker, according to a new study fromRead… Read more »

Week 1 of the iPad pilot – The Good, the bad, and the ugly

Link to original post on buzzfreezone So we started the iPad pilot in our agency a week ago. For the record, I am not new to the iPad, having used one pretty much since it came out purely as a personal consumer device. The point of this pilot is to find opportunities for large scaleRead… Read more »