
Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving!

November 2010 Creative Capital Associates, Inc. would like to thank all of the fine people who have crossed our path all these years and to wish each and every one a wonderful holiday season and health and happiness for your entire families Gary Honig, President Creative Capital Associates, Inc. [email protected] 301-681-0080 Request for contactRead… Read more »

Community Building: Key Ingredients to Thrive

It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and let’s face it: we all have food on the brain. A second point to admit: when you start cooking tomorrow, unless you make pumpkin cupcakes and roasted squash every day, you’ll most likely need to follow a recipe. What’s a recipe made up of? Ingredients. Well, in cooking upRead… Read more »

5 Do’s & Don’t for Better Social Media in Government

Everyone is talking about social media, but what is the purpose of investing time in these efforts from a government perspective? There are several reasons why it makes sense to invest time on-line. Here are three major ones: Learn what customers are saying about your services Make relationships with people in your community Allow yourRead… Read more »

The Case for Youth Engagement

(This article was prepared for the Oklahoma Academy’s 2010 Town Hall on municipal government. If, like me, your ADD struggles with the line spacing below, download the PDF here: The Case for Youth Engagement.pdf) The Case for Youth EngagementThe issue of youth engagement often falls on the back burner for most municipal governments — anRead… Read more »

Study: NASA, White House are social-media savvy

NASA and the White House are tops at using social media and the Web compared with a wide range of other public sector groups in the U.S., according to a study out today from the George Washington University School of Business and digital think tank L2. Read more:

Thanksgiving 2010

Head over to for a virtual cornucopia of Thanksgiving information on their Thanksgiving page. You’ll find everything you need for a safe, happy, and delicious holiday including: Air Travel Status and TSA Air Travel Tips Food for the Holidays and Recipes from and for Americans November Is American Indian Heritage Month Out-of-This-World Thanksgiving (ThanksgivingRead… Read more »

How social media is like a royal marrying a commoner

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: “How social media is like a royal marrying a commoner” So, Prince William of Wales is marrying Kate Middleton, a commoner. My how his life has changed from that of his forebears. No, William didn’t look out over the fair (and royal) maidens the world over and select aRead… Read more »

Calling Citizen Developers – Opportunity to make a difference!

Calling all citizen developers who may be interested in some pro bono geektastic work. The Council of the District of Columbia is looking for a few good geeks and geekets to do a pilot citizen engagement app to use within the council member’s office. The idea is to leverage open source hosted platforms or cloudRead… Read more »