
Open data is data that delivers results

I struck a nerve around open data, as I mentioned in my earlier article, when I stated that “XML is simply a markup language, a container for data. Is it one of the most preferred containers? Absolutely. However, open government data is not synonymous with XML. Open government data is simply government-owned data that canRead… Read more »

Will Federal Budget Pressures Help or Hinder Adoption of Collaboration & Social Networking Applications?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Last year I published Are Federal Acquisition Practices Accelerating the Move of Government Computing to the Cloud? I wondered then if complexities in cumbersome government acquisition processes might have the unintended consequence of stimulating a move to “cloud computing” and a resulting shift in both IT infrastructure and application architectures.Read… Read more »

A productivity winner: Gist for gmail

I have been a big fan of Gist for a number of months but I have honestly struggled with fitting it into my working style. Unfortunately, many tools like Gist want you to adapt to them, not the other way around. I think, however, Gist for Gmail may finally solve this problem. Aliza Sherman alreadyRead… Read more »

Facebook’s move increases emails relevance in social communication

Facebook Messages Kills Email? Think again. Facebook’s new “Messages” service was apparently called a “Gmail killer” internally at the company. Some analysts have pronounced email dead. That’s interesting and pretty naive. Instant messaging already killed email, then RSS killed it, then SMS, then Twitter, and now, finally, Facebook has killed it. Email is the mostRead… Read more »

Activating Your Social Media Second Team

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” Who gives that big social media presentation if you can’t make it? If you get pulled into another big project and can’t take on that client meeting, who do you send in your place? If you’re on vacation, who picks up where you leftRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Casa Pronta (One-Stop Shop for Housing Help) On the spot house (or in portuguese «Casa Pronta») is a public service which allows to perform all the necessary formalities for the purchase and sale of home (buildings), with or without a mortgadge, the transfer of a bank loans to purchase house and other housing contracts, in a single window service. Buying aRead… Read more »

Go on…be a Tortoise!

One of the things I have realized, sometimes painfully so, is that within the innovation management discipline how much of that takes place is change management, not innovation. In fact, the innovation management aspect is easier, in my opinion. The change management part within the broad public sector is difficult for everyone to tackle, especiallyRead… Read more »

7 questions to reflect on before hiring a college intern for social media

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: 7 questions to reflect on before hiring a college intern for social media Wait! Don’t hire that college intern for your social media needs… not just yet, at least. First: Stop, and reflect on the following questions: What do I know about their use of social media? Sure, theyRead… Read more »