
How would you assemble your #gov20 dream team? Tonight on #localgovchat

This has post has been written before. But it can’t be written enough. I was having a discussion about how to structure a good communications staff. What level/grade should staff be? Does staff doing online engagement report to public affairs? How does IT fit into the picture? Those sorts of questions were being tossed around.Read… Read more »

Getting to Know the Elephant

About two months ago, Lovisa Williams of the State Department wrote on her blog about about six areas that need attention if the current changes in government (toward openness, transparency, and collaboration) are to be institutionalized : People. We need to find ways to support the change agents and others who are working to ensureRead… Read more »

Community Building: It’s More about Your MEMBERS, Less the TECHNOLOGY

Three factors collided to spur this post. 1. I walked myself through a 224 gold-mine slideshare deck on “The Real Social Network” and found this gem quote “Understand behavior, not technology.” 2. I stumbled across an online community for Mercedes Benz owners called “Generation Benz” that is built in flash, looks like it blew outRead… Read more »

Notes from NDU iCollege’s Social Media Conference, 11.09.10

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog. Yesterday, I attended the National Defense University iCollege’s Social Media Conference entitled “Social Media Implementation Across Organizational Boundaries”. The sessions were informative and interesting. Below you will find some of my notes. This is in no way intended to be a comprehensive representation of the sessions but rather justRead… Read more »

Happy 235th Birthday U.S. Marine Corps!

The Continental Marines were founded November 10, 1775, by a resolution passed by a committee of the Continental Congress. The resolution drafted at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia called for two battalions of marines to aid in the fight for independence on land and sea. Samuel Nicholas was the Commandant of the newly formed Marines andRead… Read more »

FICM Pecha Kucha – 2nd Thurs in Feb 2011 @ 11 am PDT

Federal Intranet Content Managers Lightning Round Presentations Everyone welcome, all sectors of government, civil service, contractor, private sector, int’l, general public, academia, etc. Suggested Topics: What Makes My Intranet Unique, Why I love Social Media, Cool New Social Apps, etc. Meetings will be online via GoToMeeting – 1000 participants max. Use IdeaScale to get ideas.Read… Read more »

New York Times: Stage Set for Showdown on Online Privacy

WASHINGTON — After “do not call” lists became popular, more than 90 percent of people who signed up reported fewer annoying telemarketing calls. Now, privacy advocates are pushing for a similar “do not track” feature that would let Internet users tell Web sites to stop surreptitiously tracking their online habits and collecting clues about age,Read… Read more »

Improving Customer Service

Voters have signaled that they aren’t happy with the role of government. Surveys also say they are upset with government employees and don’t trust government. Yet research shows that citizens base their perceptions on their personal experiences. So would improving customer service help? In the 1990s, the Clinton-Gore Reinventing Government effort thought the answer wasRead… Read more »

Where Malcom Gladwell Left Off: Social Media & Next Generation Democracy

This post originally appeared on my blog, Last month Malcom Gladwell wrote an article in the New Yorker: “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted.” I’ve been thinking about this article ever since it came out, and people have asked me to respond on several occasions. When I read Next Generation DemocracyRead… Read more »