
Appropriate Use of Communication Mediums

Approrpriate Use of Communication Mediums at Work Information Greatly Appreciated I have created a chart on the appropriate use of communication mediums in the workplace for my next book Workplace Savvy. Need to validate the information I have already collected. Questions What work situations are appropriate for the use of the following mediums? What doRead… Read more »

But I Don’t WANNA Change!

How many of us have thought (or said) those words? Whether we like it or not, social media has changed the way we communicate and interact with other people. For some that change has been exciting for others it has been exhausting, but for anyone engaged in social media, they have already accomplished one thingRead… Read more »

Introducing This is Govable: The U.S. Army’s Facebook Landing Page

Hello, GovLoopers! I’d like to introduce This is Govable, a series that will highlight government examples of impressive social media tactics and improved collaboration through technology. This series might not always showcase the biggest campaigns, but it will highlight small, meaningful steps that the government is taking towards Gov2.0. Please feel free to send meRead… Read more »

National Institute of Standards and Technologies Encourages Greater Online Participation in Upcoming Advisory Board Meetings, Nov 3-5

Are you interested in online privacy and cybersecurity? Now, you can watch government and industry experts discuss these issues in upcoming Federal Advisory Board Meetings being held November 3-5. You can tune-in live and submit your views and concerns directly to Board Members. This is government transparency and citizen participation at it’s finest! The NationalRead… Read more »

Book Review – “Next Generation Democracy: What the Open Source Revolution Means for Power, Politics, and Change”

One of the reasons I started BYO was so that I could work with clients I believe in, and help push forward values and ways of governance and civic engagement that I think will change this country and the world for the better. So far we’ve been able to realize that goal, especially in ourRead… Read more »

Social media people speak up about career empowerment: “Help us help you”

Last week, I posted a discussion topic on Govloop asking what social media people want in their career. Seeing that social media is a relatively new sphere, especially within the government space, it was interesting to note the variety of responses received–ranging from a personal desire to make a difference to opportunities to innovate toRead… Read more »