
Instant Messaging for Policing

Earlier this month, Captain Mike Parker of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department spearheaded two networking sessions to highlight use of instant messaging for policing to many Southern California law enforcement agencies. Representatives from 63 agencies were in attendance. Captain Parker was joined by law enforcement partners; Commander Laura Farinella, Long Beach PD, Lieutenant JohnRead… Read more »

Opening up #Gov2.0 = De-Mystification

Repost from It’s no secret, more and more Americans distrust their government, especially at the national level. The table on the right gives a small taste of increasing discontent with federal agencies. Part of the problem is the sheer size of gov’t….it often begs the question, what the hell are they doing all day?Read… Read more »

Go West

I’ve had a really interesting week last week. I spent time in Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria. In Edmonton, I delivered social media training at the Affects Symposium hosted by the Alberta Federal Council. I ran three separate workshops on social media: (1) Putting the Social in Social Media; (2) Social Media 101 for Personal DevelopmentRead… Read more »

Four Scenarios of the Future of Gov 2.0

“Greetings, my friend. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.”(From the opening of Plan Nine from Outer Space) The idea for this posting cameRead… Read more »

Generational Communications. Barriers? Opportunities

Question of the day. How do you marketing to such widely disbursed generations? All of whom use different sorts of media and different channels? How do you keep up to deliver results? Do you find that this issue is a barrier to your outreach, education, media success results or an opportunity? Read more about generationsRead… Read more »

PeerIndex, helping you understand your social capital

“PeerIndex helps you understand and benefit from your social and reputation capital online”, that is the claim made on the web site. In my opinion PeerIndex does takes the broadest look at an individual by analyzing a person’s profiles on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and includes their blogs. While no formula is perfect, and PeerIndex, whichRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: October 15, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Salon interviews Steven Johnson, the author of “Where Good Ideas Come From,” who argues that what we need to focus on is making incremental changes rather than trying to achieve singular epiphanies or game-changing brakthroughs. Great advice for career govvies! Mashable explores the difference between facebook and twitter, saying that the former isRead… Read more »