
Social Media: Putting a Human Face on Government

At a couple of recent presentations on social media for local government, I asked the audiences of IT professionals which tools they were already using. At least 90 percent indicated they were using Twitter or Facebook, usually both. The battle for social media adoption has been won. However, adoption is just the first step, andRead… Read more »

Gov IT professionals weigh in on ‘Gov 2.0’; B.C. Apps Contest Harnesses Civic Passion

Adriel Hampton interviews Christina Morrison, HP’s public sector marketing manager, about a new survey of 103 local, state and federal senior IT professionals discussing Gov 2.0 adoption. Also, Adriel talks with Luke Closs, co-creator of the civic app VanTrash, about open data and apps contests.

Upcoming events on public engagement in Austin, Boston, Cupertino, Denver and Portland

Members of the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) are hosting budget-friendly regional events this October and November in 5 cities across the country, and we’d love to see lots of GovLoop members there! All 5 events are posted at GovLoop: – Denver, Colorado – The Wellshire Inn on Friday, October 22, 2010 –Read… Read more »

Member of the Week: Amy Phillips

Amy works at Booz Allen ( 1. What was your path to public service/current job? As a government contractor, you work on the jobs that are assigned to you. But even that can change the course of your career. I started out as a project assistant, and when I was assigned to a contract wereRead… Read more »

Improving Federal Acquisitions: Let’s Do It Right

Over on Federal Computer Week, Dr. Steve Kelman has written several blog posts on The Lectern in a series of issues related to improving federal acquisitions and communications, specifically information technology projects. Although I have commented on the specific blog posts, I wanted to have a more in depth discussion here. Improving Federal IT AcquisitionsRead… Read more »

What’s Next?

A couple of weeks ago, after I’d cut loose with some ideas for the government web community (and witnessed the weary and wary looks on my web colleagues’ faces), my good friend Bev Godwin bailed me out by saying, “as long as I’ve known Candi, she’s always asked ‘what’s next?’ We need to keep askingRead… Read more »