
Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – October 1, 2010

Putting on a mask through Election Day … Steve Henn: No political ‘Promoted’ tweets and trends this election season Doc Gurley: Are you in Crisis mode yet? Why not? Sharon Gaudin: In Schmidt’s vision, Google will search before you even ask David Forbes: Of revolts and social media Marc Drummond: NAGW 2010 – Adriel Hampton,Read… Read more »

GovLaunch – Introducing New Fairfax County News/Engagement Website

Hi everyone, Just wanted to drop by and mention today’s launch of a new local government news/engagement website that I’ve been developing and thinking about for some time. In Fairfax County, our news lived in silos by department or other organizational boundaries. Social media sites existed, but often separate from news delivery and conversation. WeRead… Read more »

CityCampSF, Oct. 16 – Sign Up Now!

Are you interested in the future of civic engagement, emerging media and Gov 2.0 innovations? CityCampSF, Saturday, October 16, 9 to 6, is an unconference where we will: Bring together municipal employees, experts, programmers, designers, citizens and journalists to share perspectives and insights about San Francisco and the Bay Area cities in which we liveRead… Read more »

From Public Servant to Public Insurgent

Cross posted from Are you a public insurgent? Today, a generation of young people are arriving into the public service familiar with all sorts of tools – especially online and social media driven tools – that they have become accustomed to using. Tools like wikis, survey monkeys, doodle, instant messaging or websites like wikipedia,Read… Read more »

10 reasons why online social media are critical to democratic governance (pt.1)

The Web has transformed and continues to transform how government serves and relates to its citizenry. With the spread of broadband internet access now in 66% of American homes according to the Pew Research Center, some futurists have predicted that without access to the web, citizens may eventually lose touch entirely with the ability toRead… Read more »

Could Enterprise 2.0 Have Prevented Apollo 13?

“Houston, we have a problem…” While many now consider the determination and ingenuity displayed during the rescue of the Apollo 13 astronauts to be one of NASA’s finest hours, could it have been prevented altogether if NASA had had the benefits of the type of robust internal social network made possible by today’s technology? TheRead… Read more »

When Government Agencies Meet Caring Celebrities

Yesterday, I published an article called Networked Nonprofits: The Eva Longoria Case Study on the new SECTOR: PUBLIC blog. The post is about a recent, massive use of social media by celebrities to raise $540,000 for a Haitian orphanage. While certainly “good” was done, there are also questions about how much tweeting about a causeRead… Read more »