
No Mixing Politics and Facebook: OSC Addresses Employees and Agencies Use of Social Media

Article posted on by Brian Kalish regarding OSC’s release of a nine page document addressing employees’ and agencies’ use of social media. Be careful mixing politics and Facebook, counsel office says By Brian Kalish 08/25/2010 Federal employees could become a “friend,” a “fan” or even “like” a Facebook page a political party or candidateRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 26, 2010

‘The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed.’ Chris Bennett: QR Codes for Crisis ResponseDavid Eaves: Creating effective open government portalsJohn Hermann: How Blind People See the InternetGautham Nagesh: O’Reilly – Government needs to close the feedback loopAllan Holmes: What’re Cyber Workers’ Salaries (call for survey responses)Richard Gray: Intel Developing ComputersRead… Read more »

Infrastructure Links Products to Markets Worldwide

KPMG’s Infrastructure Advisory Team has published its “Top 100″ compiling infrastructure projects from around the globe. International channel pros and marketing experts ought to care a lot about the quality of roads, canals, bridges and power transmission systems. It’s inspiration and creativity, on a mammoth scale. Like Hanson Marketing, infrastructure Links Products to Markets Worldwide.Read… Read more »

Digital IQ’s…Whose is the Highest in the Senate?

Here’s the article from Politico which crowns the 73 year old senator: John McCain, Twitter genius By MEREDITH SHINER | John McCain may be in the political battle of his life to save his Senate seat in Arizona — but he’s a Twitter genius, according to a new report released Thursday. In a joint studyRead… Read more »

Live in 20 Minutes – GovLoop Training – Citizen Survival Guide Still time to sign up!!!! 20 minutes to kick off!!!! Want training? Can’t afford it? GovLoop Training is here – and FREE! Yeah..pretty rad, eh? Been hearing from lots of GovLoopers that they want more specific online training on GovLoop. So you ask, we deliver…with cool training certificates included (***You won’t be disapointed***) ToRead… Read more »

50+ government Twitter and social media directories

ince launching nearly two years ago, the GovTwit social media directory has grown dramatically. It is not only one of the oldest such directories, but perhaps the largest hand-curated list of government Twitter accounts worldwide. It’s certainly not the only directory out there, however. I’ve recently come across a number of new sites collecting governmentRead… Read more »

100 social examples in local gov

I’m lucky to have a job where I get to celebrate the success of others in local government, I work for Local Government Improvement and Development (formerly the IDeA). But that means that I’m often called on for examples of successful implementation of whatever it is I’m working on now. (performance management, partnerships, customer insightRead… Read more »

Will Work from Anywhere

So, I’ve been experiencing a problem – social media fatigue. Keeping up with the influx of managing multiple social media accounts not just personally, but professionally, has caused a significant lapse in how much “love” I give certain spaces, including GovLoop. But, I’m following up on some Twitter encouragement to take this conversation and bringRead… Read more »

Why Political Campaigns Need a New Media Director – Social Media Use Beats $ in Newark, NJ Election

A Campaign Reaches All Its Constituents – Smart Use of Social Media Works in Campaigns Stephanie Noble acted as the Director of Social Media Outreach to the understaffed and underfunded Darrin Sharif for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Council political campaign. The goal was to effectively reach a diverse constituency via social media to battleRead… Read more »