
Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 21, 2010

Start your weekend early, with tomorrow’s hot links today: Alex Howard: Space IT, the final frontier Courtney Clark: What’s Your Story? User Stories Instead of Technical Documentation Allan Holmes: Craigslist creator tries to bring initiative out of the shadows Shai Sacks: Learning how to lobby Congress Mark Higginson: Social Media Energizes Political Campaigns Down UnderRead… Read more »

How citizens are using accounts from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to register and login to websites In January and April of this year, we shared data on which social network or email identities people use to sign-in to websites and their preferred social networks for sharing their online activities. Today, Mashable published an update of our data. Publications such as Mashable, TechCrunch or ReadWriteWeb frequently report on new services andRead… Read more »

Earned media vs. paid media impact Scott Monty, who heads up social media efforts at Ford Motor Company, recently wrote a great blog post about trust in social media. Monty cites data published by eMarketer displaying the most trusted sources of information for people who use social media. It comes as little surprise that the three most trusted sources ofRead… Read more »

Law Enforcement working as Journalists

Mark Economou is the Public Information Manager for the Boca Raton Police Department in Boca Raton, Florida. A big part of the work he does for Boca Raton Police is managing the department’s social media presence. When I started out in media nearly 20 years ago, the relationship with law enforcement was much different thanRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Resources Dynamic technologies for smarter government (08/04/2010) – New report finds Web 2.0 technologies enable better citizen engagement and public service delivery. The four-point plan is outlined to help government officials adapt technologies for their needs. The report suggests: creating a collaborative operating model; rationalizing existing applications; arranging infrastructure to support Web 2.0 systems; andRead… Read more »

Why Do Employees Want to Quit?

There might be some good reasons to retain (or attempt to retain) employees after they’ve announced they want to leave their jobs. I guess it all depends on what motivated employees’ to declare their intentions in the first place. Find out the reasons why employees quit is a good way to figure out the collectiveRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 18, 2010

There is no they. – The Breaking TimeDavid Forbes: And the lights go out …Alexander Howard: Emergency Social Data Summit Highlights the Role of Social Media During Crises Mark P. McDonald: The future of the CIO lies in addressing a challenge no one else is thinking aboutCandi Harrison: Clearing the Clutter – A Success StoryNickRead… Read more »

“One hit wonder” or sustainable success?

The point of this post: When looking at “success stories” in the adoption of new technologies, we have to think carefully about how repeatable they are. “One of the most challenging things to figure out in the government space is which technology trends are fads versus real long-term trends,” said Green in an interview withRead… Read more »