
AKO/DKO Supports Defense IT Consolidation

Army Knowledge Online/Defense Knowledge Online is the most cost-effective, globally-available option available to help leaders achieve their knowledge management goals. AKO/DKO provides premier enterprise web portal functions, tools and services to the warfighter, supporting institutions, and the greater Department of Defense community; securely, reliably, anywhere, and anytime. As an established foundation to the growing DefenseRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 17, 2010

The links must go on: Andrea DiMaio: How to Use IT to Help Development, and Have Fun Virtual Worlds News: Virtual Worlds News Wrap-up for the Week of August 14 Alex Williams: Q&A – Janrain’s CEO Discusses OpenID in the Federal Gov’t Mac Margolis: Your Pass to Good Government Alex Howard: Sean Garrett on Twitter’sRead… Read more »

Latin American Baby Boomers Drive Market Growth

Here’s another plug for pursuing business in Latin America: the Nielsen Company recently analyzed the demographics of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and estimates that people age 50+ currently make up 19% of the population. But that number will rise to 26% by 2025 and 38% by 2050. The aging population, when combinedRead… Read more »

State of Victoria (Australia) launches Gov 2.0 Action Plan

A new Government 2.0 Plan has been released for the Victorian Public Sector (VPS). Endorsed by Departmental Secretaries and the Chief Commissioner of Police, the Plan provides a whole of VPS approach to using Web 2.0 tools such as wikis, blogs and social media to engage with citizens, develop policy and deliver services. The PlanRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Recap – Jed Sundwell

Jed Sundwell, contractor for and, for 2 years -help develop and implement social media strategies -live in San Diego Open San Diego -volunteer-effort -non-profit – make info about San Diego freely to use -find data out there -an experiment in how to sell this concept -want to do prize/bounty for a specific datasetRead… Read more »

Do State public services have more get up and go than Feds?

The Victorian Public Sector, Australia has released its’ Gov 2.0 Action Plan. Having worked in both the Australian Public Service and State/Territory jurisdictions I’ve always been struck by the fact that State/Territory public sector jurisdictions are more action oriented. Not surprising given the fact that these jurisdictions are at the pointy end of service deliveryRead… Read more »

Rules and Tools For Success

I’ve been writing and posting these for several weeks on Facebook and through my weekly e’zine. Although I’ve been on GovLoop for a while I haven’t been that active. I’d like to change that and thought this would be a way to have a positive influence with more individuals. I hope you find them valueRead… Read more »

How well is the government using technology to help you?

Summary The Lab asked this simple question to a people across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and in e-mail. The survey, which was built using SurveyMonkey, received a total of 121 responses. While not a large number the sentiment expressed, and the detailed responses, provide good insights. Who Responded? The respondents were 68.1% male, 31.9% female. TheRead… Read more »