
Weekly Research and best Practices

Research 1. Better web search needed on government sites (07/26/2010) – 2010 Harris Interactive study (pdf), finds citizens struggle to find what they need on government websites. 7 out of 10 surveyed believe search functionality on government websites need to be improved. 2. Web 2.0 risks and rewards (07/22/2010) –GAO identified 22 of 24Read… Read more »

Global Gov 2.0 – Citizens Make the State 2.0 (Austria)

Translated from “Bürger machen Staat 2.0” in Economy Austria (interview with GovLoop’er Philipp Mueller):Citizens Make the State 2.0 Philipp Mueller: “With Government 2.0, the state loses its monopoly on creating the common good. Government can not accomplish it alone; it must join with the citizen”says the Director of Public Management and Governance at the SalzburgRead… Read more »

Time to hit refresh on your job search?

ClearedJobs.Net’s Patra Frame writes about taking a new look at your job search tactics. Job search is often a longer process than we want. And our activities can become stale or ineffective. Now is a great time to look at your search and see if it is time to re-do or try something new. Tip:Read… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: A Personal Press Release

Move over cover letters – how about attaching a personal press release to your next resumé submission? I was thinking about it, and it occurred to me that a cover letter is pretty darn close to being a press release (or at least people should be writing theirs like one to stand out from theRead… Read more »

How Are You Clumping?

“Human beings are social animals. We come together two by two in friendships and marriages; we form families and teams and the larger aggregations of practices, communities, societies, and nations. These groups assemble to achieve distinctive aims and to provide the satisfactions of sociability…Management thinkers, influenced by economists, have been slower to see the importanceRead… Read more »

How To #Fail At Twitter In 4 Easy Steps

Prior to 02/2009 I never participated in any social networking sites. Then a friend introduced me to WordPress blogging and Twitter. The result was an injection of social networking into my life that I had never experienced before. I became an active Twitter persona Tweeting daily and meeting new people regularly. There was a satisfactionRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 7, 2010

The beat goes on: Stephanie Gerson: Moneyball, policy wikis, and government 2.0 Aliya Stenstein: EPA posts toxic data early to encourage crowdsourcing Jenara Nerenberg: Now Chile Wants a Silicon Valley of Its Own – But Where’s the Homegrown Talent? Tom Philpott: The history of urban agriculture should inspire its future Tim O’Reilly: Opening the doorsRead… Read more »