
The Social Ecosystem: The biggest barrier to success? Education

The biggest barrier to organizations being successful within The Social Ecosystem is simply the need for education. The lack of awareness, the lack of knowledge, is holding back many organizations. In chatting with organizations across the public and private sector I am constantly encountering confusion. People know the problems they are encountering. These are real,Read… Read more »

Mashable’s Summermash in DC

Last night I attended Mashable‘s Summer Tour. It was at USAToday’s headquarters in McLean, VA (gorgeous building). It was really exciting to meet Adam Ostrow and the rest of the Mashable Team (after having read so many of their articles). It was cool brushing elbows with people from DCI Group, CGAP, Intridea, CouplesSpark, Parature andRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 6, 2010

Are you rockin’ with GovLoop? Nat Torkington: Gov 2.0 as means not end Gloria Goodale: Can social media save the world? Some nonprofits give it a try Andrea DiMaio: Who Should Be Transparent, What for and How Much? Steve Lunceford: Another Twitter first: Pelosi tweet reconvenes the U.S. House of Representatives Stuart McKee: HeyGov! forRead… Read more »

Differentiating LinkedIn and Facebook

At the Social Media Engagement Forum at the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce last month, I got a new distinction differentiating Facebook and LinkedIn. I have been learning about social media for business use and operate a syndication model using LinkedIn, Ning, and LinkedIn Groups. I devote time to understanding Facebook, and have a potentialRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 5, 2010

The reality of unreality: Brian Solis: Influence is Bliss – The Gender Divide of Influence on Twitter Mark Headd: The case for open transit data Adam P. Zuckerman: Survey – GOP and Dems utilize Twitter differently David Forbes: The good side of tribes (really) John Bordeaux: You Don’t Know What You Think You Know JohnRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training – Citizen Engagement Survival Guide

Want training? Can’t afford it? GovLoop Training is here – and FREE! Yeah..pretty rad, eh? Been hearing from lots of GovLoopers that they want more specific online training on GovLoop. So you ask, we deliver…with cool training certificates included (***You won’t be disapointed***) To kick it off, on August 25th we have: GovLoop Training Series:CitizenRead… Read more »

Looking For A Tool To Help Your Agency’s Data Make Sense – Come to this FREE webinar

Have you registered for the next Web Manager University New Media Talk? This event is interesting to me personally because – I hate data. I mean – I actually love using data to make decisions, prove theories, and discover patterns. What I don’t like is inputting data into tables, creating graphs, and making it usable,Read… Read more »

Monitor your brand on the cheap with SocialMention

You know people are chatting about you, your organization, or your brand on social media channels (or you hope they are). The problem is that most organizations cannot afford to spend money on expensive listening platforms and are often left scratching their heads about how best to approach this need without spending money. SocialMention providesRead… Read more »